/tries again.. hopefully

Now that I have time to try again here's v 1.2

I think it is good dark and make your name smaller.
I like it a tad. I had a few issues with the color when I tried something and it wouldn't let me un-do it.
Nah, keep the first one...I like it much much better. I think the second one may be a bit too dark, and I don't know where the red came from, and I liked the text on the other side, it seems like there's too much going on on the right side now...

I dunno', keep it if you like it. They're both good...
I like vr. 1.2
don't know whwhat you could do to change it.
But i like it.
Bring out the render a bit more, add lighting, make sig less wide, change main text color to green=Better.
K I'll edit it once more before I make a new sig.

BTW I'm most likley not changing the size of the sig ATM.

Vr. 3:
3rd one is better than the 2nd, but the first is still better than all of 'em in my view.

It seems that there is a bit too much of a glow towards the center bottom, which sort of makes it a little harder to see Midna's face.

I did like that you went back to green font, and moved it over to the left though.


All together, the sig is really good.