Troll the person above you...

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When a response is as bad as yours is, I can see why they would.
I tried as much as you did, unless you drew your avatar yourself which I doubt.
Thanks for complementing my avi! ^-^ But have you forgotten this is a trolling thread? Don't get all soft on me with that heart as hard and cold as an Ice-type of yours.
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youve changed your avi TWICE but you just cant seem to get rid of that atrocious sig
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well atleast my avi/sig matches you clearly have never learned or even heard of complimentary colors
with an avi/sig setup like that, i dont think you know what whimsical means
You talk big for someone who's avatar has four weaknesses... (One of which is fire ooo burn)
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4 weaknesses yet none of you have made an effective move on me so far
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