Troll the person above you...

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Looks like the troll's hibernating in her den. We can finally enjoy this thread in peace.

Um, bye. Teabagel's the only reason I look at this thread.

LMAO same. Can't have a troll thread without everyone's favorite troll.

Its your fault of why teabagel is not here >_> Because you suck at trolling

teabagel plz come back ily
wha? what are you guys talking about? Did she get banned or something?
Pathetic, guys. You'll never be as great as the mighty Teabagel.
"Pathetic, guys. You'll never be as great as the mighty Teabagel."

~Quote from LoveHorses79

(im sorry its part of the thread now I feel bad pls don't hurt me >n< )
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heh thats cute, you dweebs can BARELY survive without me, ^^and a flower crown? c'mon hun its 2017 get over it and take that crap back to tumblr
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I can manage without you, THEY can't.

heh says the one who's had a sudden drop in activity here since ive left, ive seen all the posts from after i left, and youve posted a maximum of 2 times. "i can do just fine" yea alright you keep telling yourself that lmao
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i also missed when people actually tried on their avi and sig setup, obviously you let yourself go
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lol only two lights? really shows how popular you are ;}
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