We have: CheapTeaAndCrustyBagels, RottenlollipopWhoDoesn'tKnowHowToSpellLollipop, Er-IdkWhatToPutForMyUsernameSoIShouldJustPutHaskell and me, Queen Xandra ;3
Xandra because you think your some type of queen b**ch?
and ill give you 20 minutes to learn how to fix usernamesDon't worry, i'll give you 5 more minutes to help you think about a better comeback.
No. You're just "giving" me five minutes because you're off crying in the corner getting bootied.
and ill give you 20 minutes to learn how to fix usernames
Me getting "bootied"? xD I came to your rescue when you were getting ROASTED by TeaBagel, and lolipop earlier, you should thank me
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I'll give you an hour to help you think of anything else, other than 'weaboo' ^^ I advice you to try again with something more creative
Why the f do ya'll think I have a username change? I'm thinking of something better. And I want it to be better than Xandra and Pinklolipop34. And especially better than Teabagel!
i bet you used google translate for that profile quote, i dont blame you though its hard to be a good weeabo these days, why not show off your body pillow collection while youre at it, careful not to drop them though, the might "shatter"
maybe because the icon is in your sidebar? use your brain if you even have it anymore
Says the girl getting f-ed up right now with no job, being a bum in her Mom's basement.
and you think youre doing better, youre probs in a hole in the ground mooching off of tacobell wifi