Troll the person above you...

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She is. But this thread is about trolling the person above you, not their mother, no matter how boring she is.
you all need to shut your mouths and praise me, the epiphany queen
40-50 Pink Cosmos... you clearly bought them from someone else and you're trying to make a quick profit.

Check out my town. I dare you. You will be amazed at the wonders. They don't go into my town well. I did buy them from someone... weeks ago. But I put in an order of 400 blue and pink roses (400 together)... I need the space for better flowers. You clearly are an imbecile that does not know what she is talking about. You need to gather your belongings and run. I will chase you down. I will chase you like your deepest darkest thoughts. I am your nightmare.
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It will prove that you're a jealous one that relies on others boosting your self-esteem up.
lizziety is a friend... don't u touch her b.
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719 posts since Dec. 22 2016? And I thought Teabagel achieved No-life Status.

Ya learn somethin' new every day
Um. It's called a break... Where I Relaxed
only I can have low life status, how dare you give it to someone else, i hope you slip on ice for this
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