Troll the person above you...

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oooo... good one... my little sister could troll me better
thats a pretty cute attempt to be edgy, an iguana's eyes oooh watch out, get off my board normie
still using that outdated avi/sig? and still displaying that ugly sidebar? youre on a roll
still have only clovers? gurl, get a sig .-.
oh you mean like the overrated game of thrones sig you have, i bet you only watch it because other people are watching it, go get a mind of your own, little sheep
oooh wew, swearing in your posts, is that supposed to be intimidating?
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thats a nice garbage lineup you have, go use that tbt on something thats actually worth it
Joke's on you, the word is "shot". What kind of loser is mean to a sweetie like AppleBitterCrumble? She doesn't even want to troll anyone.
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oh you mean like the overrated game of thrones sig you have, i bet you only watch it because other people are watching it, go get a mind of your own, little sheep

Boy, can't even recognize Lord of the Rings? That's clearly Legolas. Where have you been your entire life?

Other than your mom's basement.
how can you not come up with a response to that when you can clearly come up with a sig as terrible as your current one, something as ugly as that takes alot of skill
Nah man, the Room is true entertainment. Tommy Wiseau is a film genius. But someone as tasteless as you and your sig just can't see the truth.
Nah man, the Room is true entertainment. Tommy Wiseau is a film genius. But someone as tasteless as you and your sig just can't see the truth.

i cant see the truth? thats rich coming from some weeaboo that still likes bleach

@applebitter thats cute, its even in an ugly and annoying spoiler box! *slow clap* goooood jooob, have a biscuit!
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