Troll the person above you...

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Dunno where you came up with that up o-kay......

Knew the apple fantastic would ninja me but jokes on you I posted anyways.
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They are both nintendo though so it’s not like they’re complete opposites. :lemon:
Dunno where you came up with that up o-kay......
The joke is that your avatar is Meta Knight, and Meta Knight is a character that was overpowered in SSBB to the point where nearly everyone was playing him in the Brawl competitive scene, and it got to the point where he was banned from competitive Brawl entirely, but oh what am I doing explaining the joke to you, I don't need to explain my humor to an audience that's too naive to understand it.
The joke is that your avatar is Meta Knight, and Meta Knight is a character that was overpowered in SSBB to the point where nearly everyone was playing him in the Brawl competitive scene, and it got to the point where he was banned from competitive Brawl entirely, but oh what am I doing explaining the joke to you, I don't need to explain my humor to an audience that's too naive to understand it.
I made you take the time to explain it though. Mission accomplished.
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