bc i dont go fast for commoners LIKE YOU >:^)
Excuuuuse me, princess
your video isn't working????!!!! >.>
Is your PC really that lame and old?
is that your method of covering your failure?
coulda just fixed it and said sorry, but I wouldn't watch it anyway XD
You =![]()
srsly though why'd you get your a$$ here when you could just feed your fave char in some other thread?
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what is this!!!!!!! now this image isn't working R U KIDDIN ME? LOL XD
At least I have the money to feed my fav character. And have a compute what works proper.
now if you'll excuse me,I have to go to work in a few hours and lady gotta get some rest, peace~
have fun at work!!!!
..... NOT! >:^)
Please like you're even a lady.
while work is lame and not fun at all at least I do it for the sake of my family, unlike some kids who get spoon fed just about everything and BRAG about it, meow :3
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no seriously I can't believe you managed to spit out yet another working image, I forgive you now
I thought you were going to bed. YOU'RE A LIAR AND A MASOCHIST. I AM A FREE WOMYN AND I WILL NOT BE OPPRESSED. **** *****!*!*!*@@@@
Those were swear words but I can't say them b/cuz it goes against my pagin belifs
you're a woman? I thought you were a teenager, my bad
ai'te, g'night~