Troll the person above you...

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did you already forget that clovers are collectibles on this site? seems like all those pastel colors are finally rotting your brain

Did you forget that you're irrelevant on this site? Seems like you've been on your high-horse for too long sweetie
I like how this is still going on...I've been bystanding because this is true entertainment...Something Teabagel doesn't get, as I've stated before. <3
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I like how this is still going on...I've been bystanding because this is true entertainment...Something Teabagel doesn't get, as I've stated before. <3
and i dont think you get the point of this thread, dont post if your not going to troll anyone <3

Why thank you n.n I enjoy going back on these messages and laughing
again, youre not trolling, learn to play

I guess I don't qualify as 'most people' :)
i dont think you qualify as a person, period.
learn how to accept the fact that people make spelling mistakes sometimes, instead of being a pompous arse about it
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if spelling errors bother you so much, just stop using the internet, no one will miss you anyway
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Nah, they don't bother me, they amuse me. I'm just giving you advice, anyways. You might be able to make a good comeback for once, but I guess you just refuse to accept my kindness.
no one needs your kindness, we dont need your presence either so walk on home and go back to watching your mediocre anime
You don't watch good films like The Room either. And that's even worse than watching weeb trash..
oh i watch good films, unlike you who spends pretty much all your time watching bad animes, then making it your avi/sig just to show ppl you watched it, or worse case scenario, to look "cool"
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