true or false?

true, i’ve been tired all day. 😪 hoping to have more energy tomorrow!

the next person is excited for christmas.
Sort of true? I don't dislike chocolate milk but would probably choose a different flavour if I had the choice.

The next person currently owns a DS
True! I still have my pink DS c:

The next person thinks the color blue is pretty cool.
Second favorite color.

The next person lives outside of North America.
False, I played ACNH yesterday

The next person's favourite season is summer.
false! it’s actually my least favourite because of the hot temperatures. 😅

the next person has a job.
False! Despite my age, that has never been true before. At least not yet.

The next person has a pet bird or used to have one.
False. Although I do love to feed the birds in my backyard!

The next person likes to watch scary movies.
False. I don't mind them, but it's not my favorite genre.

The next person likes orange juice.
True. Hung it up two weeks ago, actually.

The next person doesn't own a desktop PC.
True, I just use my laptop for everything basically.

The next person is good at math.