true or false?

Very true.

The next person likes seashells.
False. I think they’re cute but sadly I haven’t played the games, so I can’t say if I love it or not.

The next person likes sleeping.
This would be false if I didn’t have to wake up at 5:00 for school. “would” is the key word.

The next person prefers salt to pepper.

The next person can solve this riddle: What is weightless, yet can be seen, and when you put it in a bucket, it makes the bucket lighter?
I suck at these so I googled the answer. I wouldn't have gotten that, but it's clever.

Next person is a vegetarian
True! Pinto and kidney beans are my fave 🫶

The next person ate candy within the past week
Recalling from my memory bank...I don't think I ate any within the week. False.

Next person has traveled on a train

The next person is outside right now.
True, though I woke up in the afternoon if that even counts.

The next person has been on a train before.
If the Hogwarts Express at Universal Studios counts, then true lol

The next person has been on a boat before.