Your artwork is fantastic! I really enjoyed looking through your posts- you have a lot of talent. Don't put yourself down so much, we are our own worst critics haha ❤
Hey I'm trying to get some drawings of me and my girlfriend to put in my scrapbook for our one year anniversary, and I absolutely adore your style. I was wondering if you'd be willing to take the time to draw our animal crossing characters? I'd really appreciate it <3
Just wanted to let you know I am doing something for you! Rough sketch of it so far~ The umbrellas and bugs are kind of supposed to form a heart but idk if that really comes throughI hope to finish this tomorrow!
Oh my God I'm loving it! thanks so much!
By all means, post wherever you want to post! This was really sweet of you, thanks so much!I‘m so glad you like it! Without further ado here is the finished piece! I hope you like it~Would it be alright if I put it on my deviant art and tumblr? I understand if you don’t want me to
i love this so much and i’m not even a judy fan ahh!!! you made her look so cute!!!A piece I did for Pandoria as trade for Merengue!!! I'd like to think my art is improving > ^< Sometimes it just doesn't feel like it though
Also idk if it is just how I drew her but I can totally imagine Judy being like one of those anime girls that says desu wa~ at the end of everything(Maybe it's those eyes o wo )
I’m just here to tell you that anytime you’re doubting your ability, you’re wrong. You are a great artist!