Trying too learn

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Zex said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
Zex said:
AndyB said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
oh. it seems like it.
How so? The only person that could be misinterpreted would be Sunate. We were talking about Say Waaa?
yea but fabio made a comment about mino always beating him too it at the beginning
Yes, about saying something he wanted to. Nothing to do with being an alt, or whatever you got into your head.

If you want to learn Japanese there are three ways to do it.

Live in Japan
Take a class/get tutored
Order a language learning software

Any other ways are most likely going to teach you wrong things somewhere down the line. To be honest Japanese isn't that great of a language to learn anyway considering it isn't spoken anywhere outside of Japan. Learn Spanish, French, Chinese(mandarin), or German. All of these are spoken in multiple countries and are mos likely courses at your school(maybe not Chinese, but meh)
Mino said:
Ugh. Every internet geek from sea to shining sea claims to be at one point "learning Japanese". How about instead of that, you learn English. And stop making useless posts.
You're probably the nicest person on this site.

<small>/sarcasm obviously</small>
John102 said:

If you want to learn Japanese there are three ways to do it.

Live in Japan
Take a class/get tutored
Order a language learning software

Any other ways are most likely going to teach you wrong things somewhere down the line. To be honest Japanese isn't that great of a language to learn anyway considering it isn't spoken anywhere outside of Japan. Learn Spanish, French, Chinese(mandarin), or German. All of these are spoken in multiple countries and are mos likely courses at your school(maybe not Chinese, but meh)
The only effective way of learning online would be through Rosetta Stone, which costs $500+.
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
If you really want to learn Japanese, just keep typing desu over and over with caps lock on.
And put a tilde (~) at the end of each desu.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

Do it until you become Japanese.
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
If you really want to learn Japanese, just keep typing desu over and over with caps lock on.
And put a tilde (~) at the end of each desu.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

Do it until you become Japanese.
I feel oriental already!

/fake business grin
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
If you really want to learn Japanese, just keep typing desu over and over with caps lock on.
And put a tilde (~) at the end of each desu.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

Do it until you become Japanese.
I feel oriental already!

/fake business grin
thats so kawaii!
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

Do it until you become Japanese.
I feel oriental already!

/fake business grin
thats so kawaii!
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

Do it until you become Japanese.
I feel oriental already!

/fake business grin
thats so kawaii!

I only date Japanese and I eat Pocky for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>
thats so kawaii!

I only date Japanese and I eat Pocky for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
brb going to go listen to vocaloid~
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

I only date Japanese and I eat Pocky for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
brb going to go listen to vocaloid~
i watch anime in japanese without subtitles because i can understand it better
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>

I only date Japanese and I eat Pocky for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
brb going to go listen to vocaloid~
i watch anime in japanese without subtitles because i can understand it better

But seriously, I actually like some aspects of Japanese culture.
4chan has tainted you.

*grabs the holy water*

*splashes you in the face*

Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Muffun said:
Nevermore said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Example</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ DESU~ ∞</div>
brb going to go listen to vocaloid~
i watch anime in japanese without subtitles because i can understand it better

But seriously, I actually like some aspects of Japanese culture.
Japan is pretty coo', just weeaboos aren't.

4chan gave me a holy water proof shield. :DDDD
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