Tu parles francais?


Skye and Fang<3
Aug 10, 2013
Winter Mittens
Silver Mailbox
I'm currently learning French so I figured it might help if I could talk to people whose native language is French! We could talk about Animal Crossing, other video games or anything else you like :)

I've been studying French for over 4 years but during my vacation, I kind of have forgotten lots of things. I'd like to refresh my skills :) If you're interested, send me a private/visitor message.

Sorry if this is the wrong forum. I don't know any other place I could have posted this in.
Oui, je parle le francais. That and a collection of other sentences and words are all I can say or remember. xD

Welcome to TBT.
Yo hablo espa?ol, lo siento. :(
I wish I could have been more useful. Anyhoo, welcome!
Tambi?n hablo espa?ol pero prefiero franc?s.

Apparently, there are not that many French speakers on here. That's too bad. I might look for French Animal Crosing forums now xD
Moi je parle fran?ais, mais je ne te promet pas que je puisse te r?pondre rapidement si tu m'envoie des messages ^^

Je te souhaite une bonne progression dans cette langue :)
Hi ! I'm new here and i'm french so i'd like to talk with you. Send me a message :)
A bient?t !
Bonjour- Ca va?

(Ughh I took for six years and still don't know squat... >.<)