Turnip 523 & Katrina

My turnips are being sold for 91. If you want we could both go between my towns and buying and going to your town to sell to make a ton of profit.. If your interested. I have lots of time and don't mind doing it for hours.
My turnips are being sold for 91. If you want we could both go between my towns and buying and going to your town to sell to make a ton of profit.. If your interested. I have lots of time and don't mind doing it for hours.

Could I come over aswell?
Well they are still looking for a tt <.< umm if she says yes then fin u can come over too.
I'm time locked she is stuck selling 91 bell turnips(forever until I get my money badge) but she said or he said he had a friend who was time traveling for turnip prices.
You can come over right now,I'm still looking for someone to sell too so i'm just standing there just don't touch the items on the ground near the station.
Alright, thanks a ton tetsuya!

I'm ready to go lucsy, got a couple thousand turnips or so.
I'll add everybody that I can and open my when I'm done.
You can get your fortune told and also sell your turnips if you like.
I'll TT if its needed to keep the price high, all day if I need too.
Sweet man! I already sold my turnips for 400's, but I'll be getting more soon.
Sweet man! I already sold my turnips for 400's, but I'll be getting more soon.
Sorry it took a long time, I was also selling my turnips.
Just come over when you're ready, my gate are opened.

I also added everybody that wanted to get their fortune told or sell.