Turnip price 518

Is it okay to come and sell my turnips when you have returned, please? (I've got a lot of turnips so you can expect a pretty big tip;))
Sent a PM if you are planning on opening your gate again. Friend code 2680-9374-6649.
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if you are still doing this I really need to sell. my house is overflowing and i need more storage space back XD.
Thanks for making me 1,646,959 bells richer!!!, but wow, 3 mill for standing there...lucky you!
Instant town renovationnn~
To the 'new' people, if I get another error, I'll be able to add you, but they're is only 2 hours left. I don't know if I'll have a gap/time. So sorry.
If someone has peaches as their town fruit and is waiting to get in, would you please be so kind to take some with you?