Buying Turnip prices are high!

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Name: Toby
Friend Code: On the left
Character's name: Toby
Multiple trips?: Yes, 1 more trip.

Edit: I can tip you 10% of my earnings which is 112,840 Bells. (I'll just round it to 113k)
Name: Sweetbear
Friend Code: 3325-2162-6058
Character's name: Heather
Multiple trips?: No, just one.

If you are still open later on, I might ask to visit again when my husband gets home. I'm sure he'd like to sell his turnips at such an awesome price as well.
Name: Sweetbear
Friend Code: 3325-2162-6058
Character's name: Heather
Multiple trips?: No, just one.

If you are still open later on, I might ask to visit again when my husband gets home. I'm sure he'd like to sell his turnips at such an awesome price as well.

I'll try to stay open as long as I can today! The prices might go up tomorrow too~
Name: Sean
Friend Code: 0688-5412-6748
Character's name: Sean
Multiple trips?: 2

I usually wait until later in the week to sell, but with a price like that, I'll sell.
Name: Dylan
Friend code: 3394-3604-9485
Character: Dylab
Multiple trips 10

I reposted because I put inaccurate info. Feel free to bump me down the list in going to eat.
Name: Dylan
Friend code: 3394-3604-9485
Character: Dylab
Multiple trips 10

I reposted because I put inaccurate info. Feel free to bump me down the list in going to eat.

Okay, thanks for letting me know C:
May I join the waitlist?
I dont know an exact number (checking now)
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hi, is there still room? O:

Name: Mellow (it'll change to my regular Mii's name when you add anyway)
Friend Code: 3609-2381-5793
Character's name: Mellow
Multiple trips?: yes, multiple trips
Hope you dont mind me selling my turnips il be sure to leave something 4 you genourosity :)
Name: Jose
Friend Code: 2105-9784-3457
Character's name: Jose
Multiple trips?: Yes probably 5 trips

Thanks in advance :)
Everyone not currently added to the posted waiting list has been added to a separate one waiting to be posted.

If you would like to see where you are on the list, please send me a PM saying, "Waiting List."

If ya don't mind, I'd like to add myself to this waiting list!
Name: James
Friend Code: 4355-9472-9666
Character Name: Rel
Multiple Trips: 6 or 7- I'll try to be fast.
I'll be leaving a generous tip for your generous offer :D
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