Turnip Treasure

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Though I heavily considered selling at the previous price, I ultimately held. Even though I'm not a gambler, the payout would've been great and I've already been burned on the stalk market previously, I just decided I might as well try and see if there is one more higher payout. Need all the TBT I can get and will end up blasting through it all in record time anyway, so what the heck.
I'm gonna go ahead and get out while I still can. +59 bells is better than nothing.
Yikes- I'm glad I sold when I did.
It seems to be only getting worse from here, I don’t think it’ll spike back up anytime soon…

I’m just happy to always sell mine when the turnip price reaches 200+ the first time.
Hmm tempting but we still have until Sunday at noon so that’s what… 5 more prices to go?

I can wait.
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