Turnips for 611! <full>

Sure, just let me know when you're back.
Do you know how long it may take, how long you'll be back?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Do not come unless I tell you.

Klauser & Charmy, come on over!

I seriously don't know, but you don't need to keep me a spot or whatsoever :)
I'll come sell at your place if you're still hosting and online, but if you aren't then it's alright x)
Turnips still 611? I'd very much like to come over and sell. ^^

Sure! I'll add you into group 2 and let you know when you can come over.
First, I'll have to have some business finished first after the first groups leaves, but I hope you don't mind waiting. ; 7;

Sure! I'll add you into group 2 and let you know when you can come over.
First, I'll have to have some business finished first after the first groups leaves, but I hope you don't mind waiting. ; 7;

No, no, not at all. I'll be around here anyway, so I'm totally ok with waiting. C:
I would like to sell some from my main town ;u; I dont mind waiting or w/e

Sure, no problem!
Group 3. <:

- - - Post Merge - - -

May I come as well? :) Thanks so much for doing this!

Yup! Group 3.

- - - Post Merge - - -

GROUP 2: uglypug, Mira, Sansa22!

+ MEGATASTIC: I'm unable to get Mira's FC so you can come in her place!

Gates are open, come on over. <:

Remember guys, when I put you into a group, it'd be much appreciated if you add my FC so it goes much quicker once I add yours. <:
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When is my turn? :D Just asking!

After this person leaves, and if Zora + Carol come too then after they leave.
I had them added already and there's only 1 person in my town right now so I decided that they might as well come.
I can't add you until while my town is open, so once they're gone you can come. Sorry!
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