✧ ꒰ turnips selling for 585 bells ꒱ ✧

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Hey! Totally interested in coming over a little later, if you're still available later.
I have various hybrids on your list.
Should I PM you later?

hiya! i'll add you onto the queue! i'll be gone around 2:15pm-ish est but i'll see if i can tt to keep the price the same. you can pm me when you're ready!

Can you add me to the queue, thanks!

sure thing! please either bring the items i'm looking for (hybrids, cute things etc) or tip

i'll start pm dodo codes to group 4!
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Could you please add me to the Q? Thanks a lot! <3

My IGN is Miyu from Cocoloco :)
I’ll being hybrids (blue & pink wind flowers)
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thanks for letting me in! BTW, your galaxy/purple bear cub thing is extremely cute :)
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hiya! i'll add you onto the queue! i'll be gone around 2:15pm-ish est but i'll see if i can tt to keep the price the same. you can pm me when you're ready!

sure thing! please either bring the items i'm looking for (hybrids, cute things etc) or tip

i'll start pm dodo codes to group 4!

Ok thanks, ill bring a tip. My ign is Ryan and my island is cakeland
hey I can tip some igb my ign is Sean and my island is Howdy Hill
Could you please add me to the Q? Thanks a lot! <3

My IGN is Miyu from Cocoloco :)
I’ll being hybrids (blue & pink wind flowers)

sure thing! i'll dm you when my code is up again!

thanks for letting me in! BTW, your galaxy/purple bear cub thing is extremely cute :)

no problem! judy is such a cutie c:

Ok thanks, ill bring a tip. My ign is Ryan and my island is cakeland

sure thing! i'll dm you the code when i'm ready

hey I can tip some igb my ign is Sean and my island is Howdy Hill

sure thing! i'll dm the code when i'm ready c:

edit: i'll be afk so i'll stop queuing people here and hopefully come back later. i'll dm group 5 and leave my gates open!
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Thanks sooooooo much!
I left the hybrids near your bridge!
If you’re still doing this today I’d love to get in line. I can bring a pink and a blue windflower.
Is this still open? I'd like to sell my turnips, although I only have 2 pink and 2 orange roses to offer. I'd be willing to give some bells I earn or tbt as a tip on top of that if that amount of roses isn't enough. My ign is Colby, my island is Solime.
Hey, thank you!

chum lee

ISLAND name : Bel Air

I’m still new only selling 100 turnips but I can give you some bells or a wooden table or clay pot
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May I join the queue please? I have pink cosmos, pink tulips, and orange tulips.
If you’re still doing this today I’d love to get in line. I can bring a pink and a blue windflower.

that works for me! i'll dm you the dodo code

Is this still open? I'd like to sell my turnips, although I only have 2 pink and 2 orange roses to offer. I'd be willing to give some bells I earn or tbt as a tip on top of that if that amount of roses isn't enough. My ign is Colby, my island is Solime.

i was afk but i'm back now. if you don't have enough flowers to bring you can just tip in igb or tbt c: i'll dm you the dodo code

Hey, thank you!

chum lee

ISLAND name : Bel Air

I’m still new only selling 100 turnips but I can give you some bells or a wooden table or clay pot

hello! you can just leave a tip in igb or tbt c: i'll dm you the code

May I join the queue please? I have pink cosmos, pink tulips, and orange tulips.

sure thing! i'll dm the dodo code to you once it's set up
You can remove me from the Q and give the spot the someone else.
Thank you so much for all this organizing, it must be crazy busy on your island today lol
i'll add you to the queue

sorry if i missed you (i thought i pm'd you my bad) i can dm the code to you now

Haha no, I didn’t get any PM. But don’t worry, I know things must be busy for you <3 I just sold on another island:3
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