Tutorial: first part of the game does not take place in real time

To be honest, it feels a little handholdey to me. Of course, with a series like Animal Crossing, it is no way a deal breaker. Especially if it is done nicely. But, it still feels a little handholdey.

I agree somewhat, but like someone else said, it seems like certain features might benefit from a simple walkthrough (like the crafting).

It'd be nice if the tutorial was interrupted occasionally, just so we can explore a bit instead of going through all the motions first. NL did that pretty well imo, where it blended almost seamlessly into the days by being broken up into chunks.

While I don't really mind that the start of the game is scripted like that, I will miss how real it felt to arrive with the time of day matching my own. I only started NL at night once, but it felt like a distinctly different experience to get off the train after dark.
To be honest, it feels a little handholdey to me. Of course, with a series like Animal Crossing, it is no way a deal breaker. Especially if it is done nicely. But, it still feels a little handholdey.

It's Nintendo -- hand-holding is their specialty. I wouldn't think over it too much.
I’m just gonna be excited to play finally lol. I don’t care how handholdey it feels.
"With the bulk of the customization done, Timmy and Tommy have one final question: what?s the one thing you?d bring with you to a deserted island? I was asked to choose between a sleeping bag, a lamp, some food, or something to kill time. I like wandering around at night so I chose the lamp. Timmy reassured me that Nook Inc. would provide all essentials despite my choice, and the Nintendo rep said my answer wouldn?t do anything directly but didn?t elaborate on the possibilities. With the profile complete, my character was taken to the deserted island."


hmmm. Maybe... Grass squares, circles, or triangles? Which animal personalities you start with? What colour airport? AIRPORT COLOUR!
Having a tutorial does not bother me but I was planning to do some resetting so it might take too long to do so.
Tutorials are not new in Animal Crossing. I'd rather have a 30 minute introductory period that introduces some new concepts to the series than have to work for Tom Nook for an hour of playtime like in Wild World.
hmmm. Maybe... Grass squares, circles, or triangles? Which animal personalities you start with? What colour airport? AIRPORT COLOUR!

I never thought about this, this would be so perfect!!
"What's your favourite shape? Fruit? Colour?" as questions on the flight.

I really hope that's included somehow, but if there was no mention, then I doubt it sadly. It did say "one final question" in that article though, so it's entirely possible and would save so much time instead of resetting constantly!
Tutorials are not new in Animal Crossing. I'd rather have a 30 minute introductory period that introduces some new concepts to the series than have to work for Tom Nook for an hour of playtime like in Wild World.

What if it is 30 minutes of working for Tom Nook? :p;):cool:

I just hope it doesn't feel weird and forced. This is Animal Crossing, so I am sure it won't feel weird or forced. It is just my brain reacting to it like it was in Pokemon Sun and Moon. Which is completely different!
It's only for 20-30 minutes, so even if you don't like it it should last like only 1/100000ths of your playtime.

Also, a forced 'tutorial' occurred in all AC games (GC,WW,CF) apart from NL, and it really wasn't too bad. If you reset a lot then it can be tedious but other than that, you can get right into it and not have to do any more once you settle in
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Thank you for providing this information. I'm going to start playing the game in late afternoon on the 20th, so it's kinda neat the tutorial isn't in real time. :)
That's cool, especially since the digital version drops at midnight. My biggest question though is what we're going to be. Will Nook just name us as the Mayor again? I think it'd be more fun if we were a Founder this time around, even though it makes no sense with how the tutorial is set up.
That's cool, especially since the digital version drops at midnight. My biggest question though is what we're going to be. Will Nook just name us as the Mayor again? I think it'd be more fun if we were a Founder this time around, even though it makes no sense with how the tutorial is set up.

Me too! I like having a high status in the town. Basic and regular villager doesn't appeal to me.
What if this question helps to determine the personality types?

Maybe everyone has chosen the lamp so far and that's why we've only seen Jock and Uchi starters. The sleeping bag could be Smug and Snooty, the food Lazy and Peppy, and the "something to kill time" Normal and Cranky.

This is SUCH an interesting theory and I actually feel like you must be on to something! Now this is something else for me to consider, what kind of villagers I want to start with...