(TW:Death/Gore?)So I haven't written on here in a while...


The Late Great Turt
Mar 16, 2014
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
Purple Candy
And now I figure instead of using it as an ACNL post I am just going to use it as well, a blog-blog.

So as most of you may know I just went through a pretty traumatic experience having to do with the Valley Fire, thankfully I was only effected by it mentally and not physically, because so many people I know had their whole lives ripped away from them with the destruction of their homes and losing everything they owned.

But one thing I didn't expect to come away with after the fire was my rats, I figured I would come home to them having inhaled the smoked and having died from that, or that they would have died from starving, or at least that they would have cannibalized each other. But instead I came home to very hungry and thirsty rats that seemed perfectly fine.

I had been talking about letting them go because they had gotten very fat and I knew they were going to die soon as I've had them for a couple of years now, and being from Petco most of the time they have hereditary diseases and stuff too. But I had been putting it off more and more.

My family suggested to give them away, but the white rat we had was SUPER aggressive, he bit anything that came near him and on several occasions he had bit me right on my vein and I had bled for a solid 10 minutes... He was a grade A a*shole. So I knew nobody would want super aggressive rats and I didn't want to lie and say they're friendly and have someone's kid get bit or something.

The brown rat however was always nice, he liked crawling around on me and exploring, he enjoys pets and would make a great pet to someone for the rest of the time he has left, but they were friends and were together since I bought them so I didn't want to separate them.

About 4 days ago the white rat started acting really odd, I caught him stuck in this ball they had at the top of the cage, his whole butt and back legs were dangling out of the back of the ball and I could see him struggling with his front legs to pull himself up. (He is a very very fat rat.)

I watched him for a minute and saw the brown rat run up to that tier of the cage and like watch the white rat struggle so I opened the top part of the cage and touched his but, he squeaked really loudly at me and turned his head to bite me, but since he couldn't really do that I pushed his butt back into the ball and he scooted himself out of the ball and down all 3 flights of ramps and hid under the bottom most ramp. So he had lost the ability to use his back legs.

He sat there the rest of the time, so we moved the water down to the bottom for him as well as the food, but he only ate the first day, I tried to give him crackers and chips which they LOVE and he would just pull it through the bars and drop it and the other rat would come and steal it. He was still drinking water though but I didn't see him eat the past few days, so I knew he was on his way out.

Today he had started to make the motion like he was sneezing, but without sneezing like he was basically twitching. He also started to breath really heavy so we kept checking on him. I went into my bathroom to get ready for work and when I came back into the room I saw the brown rat laying on the top shelf watching the door, waiting for me to come back in the room and he looked sad. (If you haven't had rats you're probably like "what?")

So I hurried back into the room and to the cage and the white rat was laying there under the ramp and I saw his stomach wasn't moving or anything. So I got some gloves and took him out of the cage, it was weird holding something that was still warm but not moving and knowing it was dead, cause he must have JUST passed, he was super stiff and his eyes were stuck open, and he had a corn stuck to his little pink nose. It was really sad, when I was pulling him out of the cage the brown rat was squeaking softly and it made it harder, he even came and stood on my hand like he was trying to help or push me away?

Now here is the kicker, in some way I am kind of happy that he died. Now, without the white rat, I can maybe find the nice rat a good home where someone will have more time to love him and play with him, especially now that he'll be looking for something to bond with since his friend is gone. I am also happy that I had the white rat even though we never got along, because he didn't have to be used a feeder rat, he didn't have to spend anymore time at Petco in that tiny glass tank with 10 other rats crammed into it, and he got to be spoiled for a few years. So even though it's sad to lose a pet, I am kind of happy too because he made my brown rat happy, and he played with him and everything too. So yeah, I just needed to rant that and get it out...