First: If you have the same name as another animal in the game, will they acknowledge the fact that your names are the same? For example, my name is Cyrus. I know that in the English version of New Leaf, the blue alpaca who works at Re-Tail is also named Cyrus. Will him or anyone else in my town ever address this? Has anyone played previous games where a villager with the same name as them has mentioned the similarity?
Second: What is the confirmed limit for the number of letters that can be in your name? I am asking about your player name; NOT your town name. Many people have said it is still 8 letters, like the previous games, but has anyone actually seen someone attempt to exceed 8 letters for their player name in an English version of New Leaf? Either that, or do they have an official answer from Nintendo or another reliable source on this subject?
Thank you for your help!
Second: What is the confirmed limit for the number of letters that can be in your name? I am asking about your player name; NOT your town name. Many people have said it is still 8 letters, like the previous games, but has anyone actually seen someone attempt to exceed 8 letters for their player name in an English version of New Leaf? Either that, or do they have an official answer from Nintendo or another reliable source on this subject?
Thank you for your help!