Two switches, two islands, one account


♪┏(°.°)┛┗(°.° )┓♪
Nov 16, 2013
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Hello! So, a couple months ago I bought my mom her own Switch since I knew she would love New Horizons. She's been having a blast with it, but I actually just recently noticed she never made her own account, as in, when she launches the game it's using my name, and when I tap into the account on her Switch, I see all my friends and game data. I'm honestly not sure how this happened - this was a brand-new Switch, but it's somehow linked to my own account.

So now we each have a Switch with different islands, she has her own character on her own island, but it is under my account as well, meaning she does not have her own FC. I want to send her things, but I can't add her as a friend to mail things to. I never noticed this before because we have been able to visit each other's islands with no issues. I suppose the only problem is just that I can't mail her letters and gifts, but I was wondering if there's any way to separate her island from my FC and get her her own still?

I don't know if this matters, but she has a physical copy of the game and mine is digital, but again, solely on different systems. If I make a new user on her Switch, that would just spawn a new player character on her island, right? I'd want her to be able to keep her miles and achievements, don't know if that's possible.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any suggestions on what to do or I'm just missing something very obvious, let me know - that would be greatly appreciated! If not, I guess it's not a huge hassle to just visit her island to give her things I bought, too, I mainly just wanted to be able to mail her things directly from my catalog.
You just need to delink the Nintendo account from her profile and set her up her own one.

I had to do the same with my second switch. One physical copy and one digital. Her island and character will be unaffected
You just need to delink the Nintendo account from her profile and set her up her own one.

I had to do the same with my second switch. One physical copy and one digital. Her island and character will be unaffected
Oh, that's a relief to know there's such an easy solution to this! I'll do that next time I see her, thanks so much.

/Now I feel bad I made a whole thread about this, thought it was a bigger issue lol
I gave you the like because I'm glad you asked this question and got an easy answer. That's one of the things this forum is for, so you needn't feel bad. Cute avatar, btw. ♥
Okay so turns out my advice was bad.
Our 2 situations don't quite parallel although very similar.
The feature to unlink a profile from an account did exist but nintendo removed it. Apparently there has still been success in unlinking them but you have to go through nintendo themselves to do it.

Very sorry about the dud info, should have double checked it was a still a thing.
I gave you the like because I'm glad you asked this question and got an easy answer. That's one of the things this forum is for, so you needn't feel bad. Cute avatar, btw. ♥
Aw, I love this community, everyone is so kind. And thank you!!

Okay so turns out my advice was bad.
Our 2 situations don't quite parallel although very similar.
The feature to unlink a profile from an account did exist but nintendo removed it. Apparently there has still been success in unlinking them but you have to go through nintendo themselves to do it.

Very sorry about the dud info, should have double checked it was a still a thing.
Ohh, darn - I guess I'll see about contacting Nintendo to see if they are able to help me with that. I still really appreciate you taking the time to find out for me! I'll try to look into it a bit more myself after work as well.