Tyeforce is a fanboy.

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total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
Throwback Tickets
For nearly a year now, I have been gathering what I believe is conclusive evidence that local Bell Tree user, Tyeforce is a complete, utter, and shameless Nintendo fanboy. Thus, discrediting every argument and opinion he may have about the video game industry. Why go to such lengths, you may ask? Because I can, *****es. I remind you all that every bit of information gathered is public, permanent, and generally accessible data, and this topic is not meant to bash him in any way, but here to prove a point and stop his constant denial of this crime. Let me remind you, the information gathered here are presented to you as fact, not opinion. Again- this is not to bash anyone or be mean; it's all in his own writing.

I'll spare you all the time that would be wasted by pointing out many smaller (more obvious) notes that prove my point (his YouTube channel, his biography, etc.) simply because he could simply pull the 'I just love Nintendo. I'm not a fanboy.' card. This list details the evidence, and I leave the interpretation up to you.

If you're not going to read it all, don't bother responding. Now, we begin.

  • First off and foremost, his username: Tyeforce. Derived from Nintendo's popular franchise, The Legend of Zelda. It's no secret that a username isn't something you simply put in a signature or avatar; it's your identity. So, one must deduce that making such a large tribute to a Nintendo IP isn't just out of innocent love for the company.
  • A quick Google search of 'Tyeforce' yields many... interesting, to say the least, results, but a few I found particularly interesting:

    Taken from his deviantArt page, in his own words:

    Is that not enough for you?

    His MySpace music player:

    Seriously, Nintendo music?

    His profile on SoaH City forums reveals that, his one and only topic made:

  • And now for the coup de grace, the posts he's made here, on The Bell Tree.

    First up, his denial of being a fanboy.


    Of course you aren't!
    Link to post.


    We know!
    Link to post.

    And now, a few of his other posts that understate the fact.


    I know, they all suck, right?
    Link to post.


    It's okay, we know you were only kidding here.
    Link to post.


    You've never judged ANYONE on the forum, we know, we know!
    Link to post.

    Search his topics and posts made, it's fairly easy to see for yourself.
  • A quick peak at his video game collection reveals that he has made no attempt to purchase, let alone be bothered with a competing company. (A normal gamer, we'll take myself for example, may own consoles/products from more than one company. I own a PSP, DS, Wii, and XBox 360.)

So there it all is, lain out in front of you in plain sight. I think (as if it wasn't already fairly obvious enough) that we can all conclude that Tyeforce is, indeed, a fanboy. So- Tyeforce, you can reclaim what little reputation you have left, gather it up off the ground by admitting to The Bell Tree that you are, in fact, a Nintendo fanboy, and your judgement is constantly clouded by this fact. You have a highly addictive personality, as your obsession with Nintendo, Sonic, your boyfriend, and Apple clearly show.

I have no further questions. Counter-arguments? I wouldn't.

coffeebean! said:
It's obvious he's a Nintendo fanboy.
He has clearly stated it before ' - '
He's said he isn't an 'ignorant' or 'mindless' fanboy. But, the posts I have shown clearly state the opposite.
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
I think this is a bit mean.

It's all in his own writing, information found anywhere to anyone.

Plus, I'm giving him a chance to come clean and reconcile.
Then go ahead and make something like this for every TBT member. Go on.
Jake. said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
I think this is a bit mean.

It's all in his own writing, information found anywhere to anyone.

Plus, I'm giving him a chance to come clean and reconcile.
Then go ahead and make something like this for every TBT member. Go on.
Dude, maybe I will. But only to the ones who have really caused distress and distractions of this magnitude. (Which is almost no one.)
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
I think this is a bit mean.

It's all in his own writing, information found anywhere to anyone.

Plus, I'm giving him a chance to come clean and reconcile.
Then go ahead and make something like this for every TBT member. Go on.
Dude, maybe I will. But only to the ones who have really caused distress and distractions of this magnitude. (Which is almost no one.)
I said every single person. Now go do it.
Tye is just a member like everyone else. So there is no reason why everyone else shouldn't get one. End of story.
Jake. said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Then go ahead and make something like this for every TBT member. Go on.
Dude, maybe I will. But only to the ones who have really caused distress and distractions of this magnitude. (Which is almost no one.)
I said every single person. Now go do it.
What are you trying to do, push me? I'm not sure what you're saying here.

I think this post proves my point. I've got no beef with anyone else, so why would I? I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Jake. said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deepevery TBT member. Go on.
Dude, maybe I will. But only to the ones who have really caused distress and distractions of this magnitude. (Which is almost no one.)
I said every single person. Now go do it.
What are you trying to do, push me? I'm not sure what you're saying here.

I think this post proves my point. I've got no beef with anyone else, so why would I? I'm not sure what you're getting at.
I edit'd it.
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