Tyeforce is a fanboy.

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Fabioisonfire said:
Tyeforce said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Tyeforce said:
By the way, what ever happened to us avoiding each other and trying to put our differences aside?
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
You can't tell when I'm being sarcastic, can you?

The amount of arguments and flame wars here have stemmed from one person: you. If you come clean now, I'll let it go.
"Come clean"? What do you mean? What is there to come clean about?! I'm extremely open here on The Bell Tree. I say more personal things here than I do in real life. So, what exactly do you want to hear from me? I would never admit to being something I'm not, and I've said many times before that I'm a fanboy, so I don't know why you seem to think that I'm denying that. I'm certainly not the kind of fanboy that you seem to think I am, though. Anyways, what do you want to hear from me? Just tell me what you want from me, and I'll tell you the honest truth. I can't guarantee that you'll believe me, but that's on you. I don't lie.
I want you to admit that you are consistently blinded in your arguments and beliefs by it.

But that's not the case, as I've said many times. Believe what you want, but it's just not true. And you're just wasting your time trying to prove otherwise. I did get a good laugh from it, though.
Tyeforce said:
Tyeforce said:

Yes, I openly admit that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I'm not a fanboy in the sense that you believe. I'm not an ignorant fanboy, I'm an open minded, reasonable fanboy. I call myself a fanboy because I'm more than just a fan. I don't just casually like Nintendo, I love Nintendo. Their games and products entertain me more than anything else. And, yes, I've tried their competition. There's no Mario there, no Zelda, no Kirby, no Donkey Kong, no Pok
Jake. said:
Mino said:
Jake. said:
I think you should all shut up.
Jake. No. You're the one who gets to shutup, alright? You don't need to post in a thread just to tell other people to stop posting in a thread. When we want your useless input we'll ask for it.
Oh kk. When you need to send me a PM.
He will in never-hundred hours.
Tyeforce. Don't worry. There are programs for people like you. It's called the 360. I'll give you some games that are definitely worth playing.

Aaaaalso, Tyeforce. I know how your brain works. I was once a fanboy. If you could read my posts from here and NSider from 2004-2006, you'd see the same mentality you have. I know what it's like to convince yourself that what you're saying makes sense. It's a lot like religion.
Mino said:
Tyeforce. Don't worry. There are programs for people like you. It's called the 360. I'll give you some games that are definitely worth playing.

Aaaaalso, Tyeforce. I know how your brain works. I was once a fanboy. If you could read my posts from here and NSider from 2004-2006, you'd see the same mentality you have. I know what it's like to convince yourself that what you're saying makes sense. It's a lot like religion.
Dude, why didn't I think of that? Religion is the perfect analogy here.
Fabioisonfire said:
Tyeforce said:
Tyeforce said:

Yes, I openly admit that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I'm not a fanboy in the sense that you believe. I'm not an ignorant fanboy, I'm an open minded, reasonable fanboy. I call myself a fanboy because I'm more than just a fan. I don't just casually like Nintendo, I love Nintendo. Their games and products entertain me more than anything else. And, yes, I've tried their competition. There's no Mario there, no Zelda, no Kirby, no Donkey Kong, no Pok
How about we all calm the *censored.2.0* down alright? Quit messing around with the guys brain alright? *censored.2.0*, I think we are all fanboys in one way or another. I think TBT should learn how to get along with other people even if they are black, mexican, fat, homosexual, etc. Grow some maturity.
Fabioisonfire said:
Smartysaar said:
Rawburt said:
Well, well, this topic is amusing.
More like a controversial topic, I had not seen so many people reading one thread at a time. I personally think this topic was unnecessary. So what if he is a fanboy, he knows his nintendo facts, & i have never seen him diss other games just because it isn't nintendo.

So again, this was unnecessary.

That's what I've been doing ever since I've been a member here, stirring *censored.2.0* up, making this place interesting.

And yeah, it was necessary.
Yeah controversy isn't always good. Dude seriously this was totally unnecessary. I mean you took the time to gather all these "facts" to prove that Tye is a fanboy, when he admits it himself openly, and its not even a bad thing, and instead of making Tye look bad, like im sure was your total intention, you just made yourself look like a douche.
Nic said:
How about we all calm the *censored.2.0* down alright? Quit messing around with the guys brain alright? *censored.2.0*, I think we are all fanboys in one way or another. I think TBT should learn how to get along with other people even if they are black, mexican, fat, homosexual, etc. Grow some maturity.
You didn't include 'fanboy', so I refuse to get along.
Once again, TBT has plunged into dark times. And besides, it's pretty obvious that Tye is a fanboy. He has his opinions of what's good and what's bad. All of you are addicted to something. And Ninty games are Tye's addiction. I was addicted to Gyroids back in the day, and nobody flamed me or gave a damn. Tye's opinions are his, not yours. They don't affect you in any way, so you shouldn't try to change them.
Smartysaar said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Smartysaar said:
Rawburt said:
Well, well, this topic is amusing.
More like a controversial topic, I had not seen so many people reading one thread at a time. I personally think this topic was unnecessary. So what if he is a fanboy, he knows his nintendo facts, & i have never seen him diss other games just because it isn't nintendo.

So again, this was unnecessary.

That's what I've been doing ever since I've been a member here, stirring *censored.2.0* up, making this place interesting.

And yeah, it was necessary.
Yeah controversy isn't always good. Dude seriously this was totally unnecessary. I mean you took the time to gather all these "facts" to prove that Tye is a fanboy, when he admits it himself openly, and its not even a bad thing, and instead of making Tye look bad, like im sure was your total intention, you just made yourself look like a douche.
First off, yes, I am a douche. Everyone knows that.

And you people aren't comprehending the purpose. I'm saying his opinions and beliefs are skewed by his fanboyism.
[Nook said:
,Jun 18 2010, 11:11:08 PM]Once again, TBT has plunged into dark times. And besides, it's pretty obvious that Tye is a fanboy. He has his opinions of what's good and what's bad. All of you are addicted to something. And Ninty games are Tye's addiction. I was addicted to Gyroids back in the day, and nobody flamed me or gave a damn. Tye's opinions are his, not yours. They don't affect you in any way, so you shouldn't try to change them.
Again, you people aren't good at comprehending any sort of meaning.

I'm not shoving an XBox controller in his hands, or asking him to change, am I? Is that anywhere in the thread? No.
Fabioisonfire said:
Tyeforce said:
Tyeforce said:

Yes, I openly admit that I am a Nintendo fanboy, but I'm not a fanboy in the sense that you believe. I'm not an ignorant fanboy, I'm an open minded, reasonable fanboy. I call myself a fanboy because I'm more than just a fan. I don't just casually like Nintendo, I love Nintendo. Their games and products entertain me more than anything else. And, yes, I've tried their competition. There's no Mario there, no Zelda, no Kirby, no Donkey Kong, no Pok
Fabioisonfire said:
Megamannt125 said:
ITT: Fabio and Mino don't realize tastes are subjective.
By making this very topic I'm acknowledging that.
Clearly not.
All you're saying is any video game related opinion Tye forms must be nothing but fanboyism.
You never once considered "Hey, maybe Tye just doesn't like these games"
As i expected when Fabio got unbanned another flamewar will emerge. But seriously Fabio and the other guys who pick on Tye. I was once a Tye picker and now I have moved on and you guys should too. All of this and that making fun of Tye is old. And yes, I don't give a darn if you guys are going to flame me or whatnot but I'm on Tye's side for once.
Fabioisonfire said:
Smartysaar said:
Fabioisonfire said:
Smartysaar said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
That's what I've been doing ever since I've been a member here, stirring *censored.2.0* up, making this place interesting.

And yeah, it was necessary.
Yeah controversy isn't always good. Dude seriously this was totally unnecessary. I mean you took the time to gather all these "facts" to prove that Tye is a fanboy, when he admits it himself openly, and its not even a bad thing, and instead of making Tye look bad, like im sure was your total intention, you just made yourself look like a douche.
First off, yes, I am a douche. Everyone knows that.

And you people aren't comprehending the purpose. I'm saying his opinions and beliefs are skewed by his fanboyism.
And so? They don't offend you or something, and if they do, you've got problems. Besides, if you hate Tye so much, then ignore him, don't go *censored.4.1* about it. God, think of the small and easy things you could do instead of forcing arguments.
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