Type with your elbow!

This sort of thing is easy if you're using a flat keyboard or a chicklet key design like they have on the macbook's and the apple keyboards.

i'm typing with my elhow

Only one mistake XD
qwhyh qwm, ik sdlokm bh rghiuss.

tough to writye with elbow
Why am I doing this

It is tough to write with my elbow
thgiuis uisa oprewtt5yt cdxo9okl
This is pretty cool

Well that's hard then again I didn't roll up my sleeves
i'm going to plasy ac;pg lsaytrfrertr tyopfdsyul;./

Translation: I'm going to play AC:pG later today.
yopiofr ,mlogtfhyjudrffr vedafrde bu8yttr6rt nuhyjtfr6de

Translation: Your mother eats butternuts.
have i donbhe it
Translation: Have I done it

If it wasn't for BH i would have!!!