HELLO PLUME! THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD OR I'VE HAD TOO MUCH COFFEE BUT I HAVE SEEN THE EXACT SAME THING! WE MUST MEET OVER SOME MORE COFFEE TO EXCHANGE RESEARCH NOTES! WE COULD MAKE A FAN CLUB! or just a research club i guess..Holy crap, I saw it too! It flew toward my deck at high speed, nearly knocking me over, as it squealed frantically about memes and (understandably) space whales! Somehow, I managed to snap this photo and survive to tell the tale!
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i have never seen such a cute alien, the alien was definitely after something.. possibly my heart.. or possibly snacks.. i wanted to take her home and feed her snacks but alas! she was gone in a flash, i think my loud squeeling but have scared her off! next time i will act a little more rationally and approach a little more quietly. possibly i should buy some more enticing snacks! i was slightly worried by just how little control of the spacecraft though, i can foresee a crash.. wouldn't like the alien to play me at mario kart that's for sure..