Ugh... I thought the berliner and other New Years items were in my catalog


Senior Member
May 22, 2014
When I discovered they weren't, I time traveled back to the 28th of December to order more of them (I only ordered one of each). They weren't there, so I'm guessing they're gone from the game now. I'm bummed. I guess I'll see if I can buy some online.
When I discovered they weren't, I time traveled back to the 28th of December to order more of them (I only ordered one of each). They weren't there, so I'm guessing they're gone from the game now. I'm bummed. I guess I'll see if I can buy some online.
Ughhh what?? I thought the new year items are just like the other seasonal items where you can time travel to get more if needed!! I’m so mad at myself for not ordering more now.... also, Nintendo really should make this type of mechanism a little bit more clear to us
Ughhh what?? I thought the new year items are just like the other seasonal items where you can time travel to get more if needed!! I’m so mad at myself for not ordering more now.... also, Nintendo really should make this type of mechanism a little bit more clear to us

I agree. I am hoping we get more food items so I can quit kicking myself. :) Next time I'm going to order a bunch.
I wish they wouldn't be removed. Or at least I wish it was possible to order more even after they were removed from the seasonal section.
Oh weird. I wouldn't have thought that would be yanked down out so fast and permanently until next year.
NefariousKing and MiniPocketWorld below have debunked this. The items are still there.
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I figured this would happen...which is why I bought a bunch of the ramen bowls. I don't have a use for them yet...but, I kinda want to make a streetfood stand sometime in the near future.
Aww this stinks. I definitely would have used them in the future. I skipped on all events since October , but I would have loved to eventually have traveled back and completed them. I just haven’t had time.
I'm sure y'all will be able to find people who can trade them. At least they weren't expensive items. Surely some people ordered as many as they could just to have them. So...that's always a possibility.
I recently tt and was able to get them. Are you sure you TT back to the time and then forward another day?
I figured this would happen...which is why I bought a bunch of the ramen bowls. I don't have a use for them yet...but, I kinda want to make a streetfood stand sometime in the near future.
Same here. Nintendo has been making some incredibly stupid decisions in the last few years (maybe the last decade), but they're clearly surpassing themselves with the way they've been handling many of the Switch games.

I would advice anyone to expect stupidity from Nintendo from now on. If you think a decision would be too stupid for them to make, well, think twice.
This new way of distributing seasonal items is definitely gonna take some getting used to. It's nice that you don't have to find people in other countries to WiFi with to get special event items though! I wish they'd just make them all re-orderable from the catalog.
Honestly the worst thing about this is just how bloody expensive they're going to get on Nookazon for newer players...
An no, I was unable to play for the past few weeks so I wasn’t able to get a single New Year item. Hopefully they may make a return or they’ll add more food items to the game :)
Oh shoot, really?

I bought a few of each item, but not enough. That's annoying. Guess I will have to pay a ridiculous price for them on Nookazon...

Why does Nintendo do this to us. 🥺