ugly villagers?


Junior Member
Apr 22, 2021
Do any of you have ugly villagers? To me, an ugly villager is a villager with a hideous looking face, that it hurts your eyes to look at him, or her.
I had a frog (I think??) that I found terrifying and so not cute but I can't remember his name. A friend had a cheese mouse. I think his name was Cheddar. He was also terrifying.
I had a frog (I think??) that I found terrifying and so not cute but I can't remember his name. A friend had a cheese mouse. I think his name was Cheddar. He was also terrifying.

Hey, no need to hate on my boy Chadder. Rocket or Hippeux on the other hand? Yikes!


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Beardo freaked me out for some reason. I didn’t like it when he wore certain tops that made it look like his brown chest fur was pubic hair. Thankfully he left my island and I got a much better villager instead. 😂
Any alligator villagers are at the top of my list.

And don’t get me started on Coco. Those eyes and mouth are like something out of Ju-on: The Grudge. :eek:
I don’t have any atm, but I do eventually want to invite (not keep permanently since I have a plan who my last permanent villagers will be, though that or my current permanent villagers could always change).

I’m interested in Rodney (who I actually find very cute), Tabby, Katt, Hazel (i used to not like her brows but now i think she is adorable regardless). I think these are it for now, but there may be more that I forgot.
I’ve had Gaston in Nl and would love him to stay permanently; again, I don’t think he’s ugly (i normally don’t like mustaches on villagers but I think it makes him fit the cranky picture even more) but adorable.

The ones I don’t think I’ll ever like though are Violet & rocket. But we will see, I am trying to keep an open mind about them all.
i’m sorry, but i’ve always found coco so creepy. i know she’s supposed to resemble a gyroid and what not, but the hollow eyes scare me lol. she’s not necessarily ugly though
I believe this thread was just asking what villagers we have that are considered ugly. Let’s do our best not to fight, everyone. Everyone’s taste is difference and no one means to insult anyone just because they don’t like a particular villager. Of course some comments should maybe be avoided being said.
Limberg kind of creeps me out. It didn't help that he voided into my town and ruined a flower garden in NL. I also had Moose void into my town (I think?) and while he doesn't really creep me out or anything, I find his neutral expression kind of off-putting.
Ah one of my dreamies is Katt, and I guess one could consider her to be an ugly villager since she doesn’t have a face that could be unanimously regarded as cute.The other one that I guess one could say as not so cute is Gloria. Those eyelashes and purple eyeshadow are definitely something to get used to but I still think she’s pretty adorable in my eyes :)

I once also had freckles, and I think she has her fan base but some could argue her as a bit ugly too due to her wide spread eyes and freckles (though I would disagree because I love her:giggle:)

Ones that I would not be able to entertain are Rodney, Wart Jr, Harold, and most of the mouse villagers...I’m so sorry to those who love these villagers but I just can’t.... they are such eyesores to me
I have Tabby, but I don’t see her as ugly at all. She’s so fun, and seeing her never fails to make me happy! I’ve never had a villager I found ugly, though I had some I think are often considered ugly, including Graham (but he’s so cute with his chubby body and little pig nose (I guess I like piggy noses?) and deena (is she actually considered ugly? Not sure, though she’s a bit odd looking but very cute 🥰).

I tried to make a list but realized I am not sure who all of my villagers might be considered ugly🤷‍♀️

in my campsite I had tammi, who I previously considered scary, but she was actually very cute. She is very expressive and interesting looking in game.

the villagers I found most unappealing who have been in my campsite (so kind of on my island) are probably rocket (sorry, not a fan of the superhero look) and Colton (his look really does not work for me at all)
Most of my villagers are considered ugly but they are adorable to me. It’s purely opinion. For example people think that my villagers Violet, Rocco, Bubbles, Cesar, and Jambette are ugly. I think they’re absolutely wrong. Most villagers are okay in my eyes, I’m not crazy about certain species but I don’t think any are downright ugly. The only villagers I absolutely cannot stand looking at are sanrio villagers. Rilla is acceptable though.
I love that every villager is someone's favorite! (or at least, enough to let them stay.)
I don't have any that I would consider ugly on my island atm... maybe Claudia isn't popular, but she's not ugly... I know some people don't appreciate Twiggy's eyebrows, but I find them adorable and to me she's pretty.