ugly villagers?

Had all of these 10 on my island at the same time, just for laughs. Kept Tabby. Kinda like Vic too!
i wouldn’t consider any of my current or past villagers to be ugly at all; taste is subjective (which is totally okay!) but in my eyes, i think i’ve had some pretty adorable villagers thus far :’). that being said, there’s quite a few ‘ugly’ villagers that i like, as well; katt just so happens to be one of my all time favourites in but i also like elise, vic, hazel and some others! there’s definitely some villagers who i don’t particularly like the look of but i still wouldn’t mind having them around and getting to know them. :) this does not apply to al, cesar, chops, monty or cashmere.
Most of my villagers are considered ugly but they are adorable to me. It’s purely opinion. For example people think that my villagers Violet, Rocco, Bubbles, Cesar, and Jambette are ugly. I think they’re absolutely wrong. Most villagers are okay in my eyes, I’m not crazy about certain species but I don’t think any are downright ugly. The only villagers I absolutely cannot stand looking at are sanrio villagers. Rilla is acceptable though.

I agree with all of this! I don’t hate the popular villagers, but I don’t at all enjoy collecting villagers based on some tier list or community-approved narrow standard of cuteness. In fact, both Bubbles and Cesar live in my town right now. I’m less of a fan of “cutesy” villagers and more of a fan of the ones that are a little closer to real-life animal designs, like Boots, Dora, Vesta, Antonio, Deli, Peewee, Tipper, Bones, Pashmina, and Lolly. That’s why I also agree with you that the Sanrio villagers are the least appealing—they’re just too far removed from animals.

(I tend to be very open-minded about all villagers but MAN I will admit to a strong dislike for Monique the cat. She lived in my Wild World town for over six months when I was a kid. Unacceptable.)
I find Cole creepy, but not ugly! He just creeps me out, can't say I have ugly ones, since I find all of mine cute, and dont really think theres such thing as an ugly villager

Its just up to interpretation with who people see as ugly. Some people find villagers ugly, and some find them cute. Im not judgy, I just gotta vibe with a villager. Then I'll take them

I don't care if people think a villager is ugly, I find them cute. Part of me just wanted villagers that people find the most ugly. But in the end, its just up to your opinion, and how you see them.

People find my mouseie Chadder ugly? Well alright, but I find him adorable. Your intitled to your own view
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I think all villagers have their own charm and there's absolutely no one that I hate or wouldn't want on my island. I find most of the "low-tier" villagers a lot more fun than the more generically cute looking ones. There's so much more variety. Come to think of it, I don't really have any dreamies myself. I usually just go with what the game gives me (and I can't ever say no to villagers with stronk eyebrows haha).
There's also something adorable about angry faced/grumpy villagers running around town and using happy emotes xD
I didn't even know Chadder existed, but I kinda like him! I just wish he didn't have angry eyebrows :mad:

Anyways, I had Tiffany the bunny at my campsite and...yikes.
I have some of those already mentioned in this thread: Tabby, Gloria, Groucho, Chops ... (Gloria being considered ugly really surprises me, she is so gorgeous ...? And Groucho is super adorable!)
I would answer the question whether I have ugly villagers with a big "no." I chose my villagers because to me they are among the most beautiful, otherwise I wouldn't want them. Luckily I also have never had anyone who I find absolutely horrendous. There are a few that I don't like at all (gorillas, Moose), but I don't like to use "ugly" as a label, it's just way too subjective. I don't know how many times I have seen it presumed that whenever someone has Chops on their island, they must be devestated about being cursed with such a monstrosity and it kind of bothers me how it's deemed absolutely acceptable to bash on someone like him or one of the gorillas while others have the label "great" as if that was a general rule and not soley based on personal preferences.
I don't believe in "ugly villagers," but rather there are some villagers people find ugly that others do not find ugly.
what's that saying? the apple is the eye of the beholder