this is just an example of -maybe- something that could happen if you get people over to your town, or go to peoples' towns that do hack... good thing i've got not one, but two letters from nintendo backing me up, lol.
i'm glad you've stopped hacking tyler... hopefully you get the enjoyment out of the game that i do. <3 and lol at your sig... lol.
you are now one of the first people i dislike on this forum. =)
my "little game" is something i spent my "little monies" on, and something i spend my "little time" on. if you don't care about your "little game" why are you even posting on this site about everyone else's "little game?" go somewhere you actually care about, and leave your "little comments" at home with mommy.
i'll be so happy when something does come out of these hacks to make people like this look like idiots. this thread can be closed now.