Unlocking Train Station Customization


˚。 Strawberries 。˚
May 22, 2020
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
White Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Red Cosmos
100% (19) +
I really want the option to customize my train station in New Leaf, but I can't unlock it until 100 people visit my town. Will anybody be willing to help me out? I'm happy to pay any amount of bells, help with getting villagers even RV ones and/or golden tools.
im actually trying to achieve the same goal (with no success thus far lol), but I’m also interested in getting the “Traveler” badge so I have a bit of a proposal, if I spam your town would you be willing to spam mine? If not I’ll still be willing to spam your town towards the “Traveler” badge (according to other forum posts and my own observations of my towns notes multiple visits by the same person all count toward the remodel unlock).
im actually trying to achieve the same goal (with no success thus far lol), but I’m also interested in getting the “Traveler” badge so I have a bit of a proposal, if I spam your town would you be willing to spam mine? If not I’ll still be willing to spam your town towards the “Traveler” badge (according to other forum posts and my own observations of my towns notes multiple visits by the same person all count toward the remodel unlock).
Hi! Yes I'd be happy to help you with that as I'll probably be able to get the same badge. I think if you talk to the NPC at the train station it'll let you know how many people have visited. I think mine is 20+ or so, but I'll have to double check. Though yeah, I'm happy to visit your time as many times as needed.
Hi! Yes I'd be happy to help you with that as I'll probably be able to get the same badge. I think if you talk to the NPC at the train station it'll let you know how many people have visited. I think mine is 20+ or so, but I'll have to double check. Though yeah, I'm happy to visit your time as many times as needed.
Well I know if you sit on the bricks at the base of your town tree it will eventually tell you how many times people have visited your town, I didn’t know about the train station trick though (sounds easier). And awesome! My FC is 3239-3303-5349, please tell me what yours is and I’ll add you. Also I’m currently up to 53 visits, which means I still need 47 to unlock the train station remodel, and given that you said you’re likely in the 20s it will likely take us a while if we want to fully spam each other (if not any help is very appreciated) and it we may have to do multiple sessions depending on scheduling etc. if all of that is acceptable to you please let me know when you will be available!
I think you can, but it may also just be sitting at the tree I'll have to double check. For me right now it's already past midnight but I'm happy to try and work around any timezone differences as I'm free most of this week. I'll send you mine in a couple of hours. I'm fine with doing as many sessions as needed, do you know how many visits it takes on your end to get the traveler badge?
I’ll be happy to visit your town tomorrow, if you’ll do a return visit. My FC is 2166-2492-9397.
Well I know if you sit on the bricks at the base of your town tree it will eventually tell you how many times people have visited your town, I didn’t know about the train station trick though (sounds easier). And awesome! My FC is 3239-3303-5349, please tell me what yours is and I’ll add you. Also I’m currently up to 53 visits, which means I still need 47 to unlock the train station remodel, and given that you said you’re likely in the 20s it will likely take us a while if we want to fully spam each other (if not any help is very appreciated) and it we may have to do multiple sessions depending on scheduling etc. if all of that is acceptable to you please let me know when you will be available!
I’ll be happy to visit your town tomorrow, if you’ll do a return visit. My FC is 2166-2492-9397.
My code is 1478-5324-1934 happy to start anytime. :)
I think you can, but it may also just be sitting at the tree I'll have to double check. For me right now it's already past midnight but I'm happy to try and work around any timezone differences as I'm free most of this week. I'll send you mine in a couple of hours. I'm fine with doing as many sessions as needed, do you know how many visits it takes on your end to get the traveler badge?
Not sure, but just making progress on it will be good enough for me lol.
My code is 1478-5324-1934 happy to start anytime. :)
Ok, I’ll add you now, would you like to start with your town or mine?
I’m on now. Should be available for the next couple hours.
I’m on now. Should be available for the next couple hours.
Not sure, but just making progress on it will be good enough for me lol.

Ok, I’ll add you now, would you like to start with your town or mine?
Hi I'm so sorry, I had to use a spare DS as mine broke. :( My new friendcode is 3712-4397-9924 I'm free to start right now if you guys are!
Hi I'm so sorry, I had to use a spare DS as mine broke. :( My new friendcode is 3712-4397-9924 I'm free to start right now if you guys are!
I’ll add you now, would you like to start with your town or mine?
My connection has been glitchy for the last two months due to yet-unexplained reasons, but I could try and drop a few times if you're still after it :) Just let me know when you come back to the forums!
Bump! Hello I'd like to try doing this again to unlock the customization for my town! I'm happy to pay whatever price at this point. :cry: