Sounds wonderful! Just throw me a PM when you are ready.
I'm ready and PMed you.
Sounds wonderful! Just throw me a PM when you are ready.
Town name : Bluebell
Character name : Pudding
Items you purchase : New years eve noodles, hibiscus, sparkling cider and berliner... for 1.5 mil?
Freebies you want : soft serve (any flavour)
Town name : Bluebell
Character name : Pudding
Items you purchase : New years eve noodles, hibiscus, sparkling cider and berliner... for 1.5 mil?
Freebies you want : soft serve (any flavour)
FC: 5456-0416-9818
Town name : Forest
Character name : Poppy
Items you purchase : Could I please have the box sofa and the mermaid statue (Sorry if I've got it wrong, I'm requesting items to be ordered, not ones that are listed - apologies if I have got it wrong!)
Freebies you want : Wii balance board would be great![]()
Town name : Wichita
Character name : Krista
Items you purchase : Throwing beans
Freebies you want : catalogging campus set, leaf bed, palm-tree lamp, rice-plant bed, rolling suitcase
Can bring over half a dozen gold roses~
also, unsure what to offer for the beans ><
HiI usually do JP holiday unorderable item for 200k, if that's okay with you.
That sounds fine! I thought it would be uber expensive~ so in that case could I add the rest of what you have left? ><
Haha! xD Sure.
By "what you have left" do you mean orderable DLCs you need to catalog or other unorderables? Either is fine, go ahead. ^^
Town Name: Society
Character Name: Jenna
Items I want: Pumpkin Pie, Throwing Beans
Freebie: Blue pinwheel
Question: So the whole set is 10k? Or...if so add the sweets set. Please and thank you very much.
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Also I have an egg lamp![]()
the red & blue ogre masks, throwing beans & rice cake for now :3
Okay. So 800k?
Also if you want to catalog which you mentioned you need in your thread, I'll bring them all for a few gold roses.
Hi!Oh you have egg lamp? Okay, then your egg lamp for my beans?
Also by whole set do you mean Sweets set?
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Okay. So 800k?
Also if you want to catalog which you mentioned you need in your thread, I'll bring them all for a few gold roses.
Hi roro~
Sure. And thank you! I'm pretty sure I need your help soon. xD
How's going on your end? Finished decorating your rooms?
Let me grab them from my main town. I can't use my main today for villager's thing. I'll let you know when I get ready.
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Hi tokkio
I usually do JP items for 200k, other regional stuff for 400k.
So it adds up to 2 mil for your order not including Afternoon tea set.
Yes and Yes I ment the Sweets set![]()
oops sorry for the super late reply! I fell asleep ;;
are they still available though?
Aw, sorry I can't do whole sweets set for 10k!
I'm selling these for usual price that goes for on this forum. How would you like to do, just beans or...?
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Morning, tokkio. xD That's okay.
Some are sold out and some are still available. Let me update after I'm done with my current trade! Thank you.
Can i catalog the rococo set? also, what icecreams and soft serves do you have?
Can I have the pumpkin pie?
Also,do you still have the shaved ice lamp and afternoon tea set???