oops! It's okay, I can wait. Thanks!
sorry about that!
Okay. I'll post here/message you when I restocked them tomorrow my time. Thank you!
oops! It's okay, I can wait. Thanks!
sorry about that!
Town name : Neptune
Character name : Kiki
Items to purchase :
Chocolate cake (100k)
Shaved Ice Lamp's (200k)
New Year's Eve Noodles (200k)
Catalog: (I know i am cataloging alot so if you want i can pay for each item as much as you want)
aurora screen
sprout table
pile of leaves
full-moon vanity
blossom lantern
Vinegar, world map (?)
~we have trade already ^^ thank you very you much!
Hi, happy new year. ^^ And sure. Just I gave all the noodles today so I'm going to restock them tomorrow my time.
I'll post here/message you when I'm ready. Thank you~
Also cataloging is no problem. Thanks for the offer though.![]()
It seen you r busy I'll VM you late got to go somewhere ^^
Hello, can I get all (yes, I mean ALL) your villagers pictures minus Bianca and Marshal?
- - - Post Merge - - -
FC * if its not shown in sidebar : -sidebar-
Town name : Perisple
Character name : Irarina
Items you purchase : All villagers pictures minus Bianca and Marshall
Freebies you want : None
What you offer / Total price : 250k each pictures
Happy New Year!
OH wow. Its so helpful. ALL aside from those two cuties, okay. xD
I won't be available next few hours. Sorry for inconvenience.
I'll message you when I'm ready. Thank you![]()
Hello, can I get all (yes, I mean ALL) your villagers pictures minus Bianca and Marshal?
- - - Post Merge - - -
FC * if its not shown in sidebar : -sidebar-
Town name : Perisple
Character name : Irarina
Items you purchase : All villagers pictures minus Bianca and Marshall
Freebies you want : None
What you offer / Total price : 250k each pictures
Happy New Year!
FC in sidebar
Town name : Calalini
Character name : Emily
Items you purchase : bureom
Freebies you want : none
What you offer / Total price : 350k (originally 400k but I'm broke lol)
Thanks for doing this!
Happy new year
Added restocked JP holiday stuff and new pics.
@Animefan4ev3r, @*Evee, Beau, and Kyle*, @Shimmer, @Popsy, @Lucanosa, @Laporeille, @Break, @Thrillhouse
Sorry for not getting back soon, it was busy yesterday!
Items for you are ready. Let me know when you get online next. Thank you.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Sorry for the delay. Sure. Will you make an offer if you still need those arts?
Are you online now ^^ if you not busy I'll open gate
Yeeeeess! xD Heading right over!
Yeah I'll PM you!
Replied to your hunting pictures thread! c:
- - - Post Merge - - -
HiOh you broke? Hmm... would you like to go bug hunting with me, me with some errands in AC? If okay please let me know~
Hey! Me again. Went to the island and caught some stuff, I can pay full price now (400k bells for bureom). Thank you for offering a chance for me to help you