Selling Unorderables/Sets/Pics *:.。☆..。*:

Hey :p , I don't know if you're still on but I would like:
(catalogging) -- rainbow screen, slushie machine, cherry blossom clock
Wii Balance Board (freebie XD)
aaaand the butterfly wall (buying)
Thank-you :blush:
May I get
Good Luck Sushi Roll
Rice Cake
Shaved Ice Lamp
Sparkling Cider
Chocolate cake
Please let me know a price! :)
PM/VM me if you don't mind so I remember. Thank Red
Hi can I get the following items:Lawn mower
Toy hammer
Beach chair
Bell knick knack
Throwing beans
Shaved ice lamp
Red pinwheel
All for 800k is that to low or to high?
May I order Chief's pic and the valiant statue for 200k? Please and thank you. <:3
Bamboo grass and throwing beans would be great,does 100k sound good?

Hi :) No, sorry it doesn't sound good.
I'm willing to trade them for your golden watering-can that you are selling in your thread. Thank you~

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Hello, could I order a kimbap plate, tteok plate, good luck sushi roll, rice cake, and new year's eve noodles from you? Would 1 mil suffice? Thank you! :)

Hi :) Can you do 1.5 mil?

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Hey :p , I don't know if you're still on but I would like:
(catalogging) -- rainbow screen, slushie machine, cherry blossom clock
Wii Balance Board (freebie XD)
aaaand the butterfly wall (buying)
Thank-you :blush:

Hi :) Sure. Could I ask you to choose either cataloging or wii balance board? How much are you offering btw?
Hi there

I'm happy with that price~ How many do you have? I would like to get two~ If not, one is also fine

Thanks :>
Last edited:
May I get
Good Luck Sushi Roll
Rice Cake
Shaved Ice Lamp
Sparkling Cider
Chocolate cake
Please let me know a price! :)
PM/VM me if you don't mind so I remember. Thank Red

Hi Hearcore :) Would 1 mil sound okay?

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are throwing beans still available? I'll pay in bells/TBT

Yes, its available. I prefer igb. Does 300k sound okay to you?
Hello :)
Looking to trade or sell following items.
I'll order any orderable item for you.

Feel free to leave a comment if you can wait.
Be sure to respond in a few days once I messaged that your items are ready. Its quite annoying when you place an offer of trade and disappear.

* There may be very a few people whom I wouldn't want to have transaction with. If I didn't respond to you at all even though I got online and you tried to contact me through posting here/pm/vm, please understand my will.
* My price changes sometimes depending on number of my stocks etc.


* Bold means restocked/added in past few days.

Unorderable sets

Ice set
Snowman set
Ski set
Egg set
Mermaid set * on hold
Balloon set
7-11 set * new
Unorderable DLC

Shaved Ice Lamp's
Afternoon Tea Set
Kimbap plate * new
Tteok plate * new
Gracie furniture set

Princess set
Sweets set
Gorgeous set

Red Ogre Mask
Blue Ogre Mask
Throwing beans
Good Luck Sushi Roll
Rice Cake
Newsprint helmet
Cucumber Horse
Eggplant Cow
Bamboo grass
New Year's Eve Noodles

Bell Knickknack
Sparkling Cider
Veggie Basket
Wall Socks

Cool Globe
Sailboat Model
Picnic Basket
Resetti Model
Wheat Bundle
Shamrock Hat
Event pieces

Butterfly wall
Beetle chair
Cicada stereo
Honeybee chest
marine pop floor
marine pop wall
Egg stereo
Egg bed
Creepy Cauldron
Pav? bookshelf
Pav? chest
Pav? bureau
Legit art
great statue
valiant statue
valiant statue
basic painting
dynamic painting
fine painting
flowery painting
jolly painting
moving painting
nice painting
perfect painting
proper painting
scary painting
serene painting
wistful painting
worthy painting
Villager's picture

Caroline * new
Diana * new
Fauna * new
Flurry * new
Genji * new
Mint * new
Poppy * new
Skye * new
Soleil * new
Static * new
Stitches * new
Sylvia * new

Gold house model
Chocolate cake
Lawn mower
Towel * new
Toy hammer
Beach chair
Silver axe​

Katie's pic
World map
Toy camera​

Pinwheel ... * red/pink/cyan/blue/green/purple/yellow
Ice creams
Soft serves
Bubble wand
Any kind any color of balloon

★☆★ Special favor ★☆★
Available when​

  • Your offer include something in my wishlist, or
  • Your purchase price is over 300k, or
  • We've already traded before and it went well
Forest Wall
Forest Floor
Vinegar ( Harvest ingredients )
Flour ( Harvest ingredients )

Wii Balance Board
s.s. dolphin
peach's parasol
hero's shirt
bill blaster * new

Gold ore * new x 90 more
Silver ore x 10
Rugy x 10
Sapphire x 10
Emerald x 10
Amethyst x 10

Lost items set ( Paper bag, Book, Mitten, Porch )
Random Gracie outfits

What I'm looking for:

  • [*=1]Jelly fish lamp
trade memo

Thank you for the sets and the unorderables! I would like to order all the JP items, and all the unorderables.
Can I get my full list excluding the blue ogre mask for 1 mil?

Is this your previous offer?
How much for:
bell knickknack
Red ogre mask
Blue ogre mask
Good luck sushi roll
And New Years noodles?
bell knickknack is out of stock atm, sorry. You can get the rest for 700k if that's okay with you.

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May I order Chief's pic and the valiant statue for 200k? Please and thank you. <:3

Hi! Sure. Let me know through posting here when you get online next. Thank you.

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Hi there

I'm happy with that price~ How many do you have? I would like to get two~ If not, one is also fine

Thanks :>

I have more than one, so you can have two. ^^
Are you available now?

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could I also get
Kimbap plate
Tteok plate
Sorry. I saw you just restocked them

No prob. So, is this correct?

Good Luck Sushi Roll
Rice Cake
Shaved Ice Lamp
Sparkling Cider
Chocolate cake
Kimbap plate
Tteok plate

for 1.6 mil?

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Thank you for the sets and the unorderables! I would like to order all the JP items, and all the unorderables.

Likewise. Okay I'll pm you the list later tonight my time. Thank you!