@Rei Parfait
Sorry for the wait. I'm ready. Will you open your gate please?
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You can catalog latter 3 for free in my catalog town.
If you'd rather have me order them for you for keeping that's fine too. In that case 15 tbt or 400k for Fedora chair. And a hybrid or 1 tbt for 3 orderables? Would this sound fair?
Sorry for the wait. I'm ready. Will you open your gate please?
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How many bells would you want for the fedora chair, a kintaro wig, a headkerchief and a stagehand's hat? The latter three are orderable, I think.
If you'd rather have me order them for you for keeping that's fine too. In that case 15 tbt or 400k for Fedora chair. And a hybrid or 1 tbt for 3 orderables? Would this sound fair?
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