Sorry for the late reply. I just got a day off and will be here next few hours today, and maybe tomorrow. Let me know if you're still up for trade. Thank you.
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Actually Could I Just Pay 10 TBT? I'll Try Meet Up With You Tomorrow Early In The Morning (You're 8 Hours Ahead Of Me)
I'm still up! Please let me know how much tbt/bells you want for my order.
I would like to purchase your:
common painting
nice painting
worthy painting
for 500k IGB. Please let me know if I need to adjust my price.
50k for a emerald?
I'd love to do 50 tbt and 200k bells. Shall we do the trade at your town again? I'll send the tbt now.
Tteok plate,
Good Luck Sushi Roll,
Rice Cake,
Cucumber Horse,
Eggplant Cow,
Bamboo grass,
New Year's Eve Noodles,
Whirlpool bath,
Beach chair,
6mil and 20 tbt?
let me know if its enough or not~
edit: please add this friend code: 3883-8075-3913 Fish Tank, Yangsta
yes thats ok, but because I already sent the tbt total price can I have a Tteok plate for free as soon as you get one? Or did the tbt price exclude the 2nd tteok plate?
hello it's me again :3 How much tbt for the Sparkling Cider, Throwing Beans, and New Year's Eve Noodles?
yeah its been forever!! T_T someone stole my 3ds and yeah......
but i finally saved and got a DS! im starting all over, but is ok is good to be back!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Words cant explain! You are an adorable person!
7-11 Steamed bun case
New Year's Eve Noodles
Arched Window
Chef's outfit
Mummy shirt
Rice cooker
Regal bookcase
Small Silk Hat
Is 20 tbt or 30 tbt enough? Or should I add more?
Is 750k okay, or
I left you a private message two days ago. Do you have received?
How much would you like for silver axe and whirlpool bath? c: tbt or igb, which ever you prefer..
25 tbt sounds good c: I'll be ready in like 5 minutes? trading/ visiting someone at the moment.. whose town would you prefer?
srry for the wait, took longer than I expected xD
I'll add you and open up ~ (don't mind the mess lol it's a new town xD)
Hello, I bought a Good-luck Roll and Tweeter from you last week for 150k IGB. were you able to re-supply your sushi rolls? if so, would I please be able to get a Good-luck sushi roll and this time a bubble wand for 150k?
If so, my village is Hooptown, mayor Billy, mii Henry, FC 4227-2905-4710. thank you!
Hi! Sure. Are you available now? If yes this is my FC just as a reminder. 1521-3473-5766
yes, still had it-- gate is open! thnx