Unpleased with your town?


Feb 7, 2009
Hey there, I'm new here.



Ok, as you can see above, my town design(if I can call it that) pretty much.. sucks..
I have big areas in my town that I don't use which makes my town very small.
I'd really like to use every square of my town(ok, maybe not EVERY square..), so I need some advice! What can I do with these areas?

I'm sorry if I broke any rule.
donate enough to put a bridge. It will more than likely go in the middle there. That will help big time.

My town sucked for setup because to get to nooks you had to go all the way around, pain in the butt if you were fishing in the sea. So eventually i built a bridge, now its awesome. It changed everything
DirtyD said:
donate enough to put a bridge. It will more than likely go in the middle there. That will help big time
Well, if you didn't see it, I've already donated for my 3rd bridge.
I could place it in the middle, but didn't; instead I put it at the top(near Ables).
the middle would of helped with the overall layout of the town. You should just use your open areas for things like orchards, money tree orchards and flower growing
Make a Giant Orchard in one of those open areas.
In another, maybe a flower garden?
In the last one (if you're really creative) A Design of somesort.
#Garrett said:
Get a new town.
I've played for almost 2 months! I can't just delete everything! :O
Make a Giant Orchard in one of those open areas.
In another, maybe a flower garden?
In the last one (if you're really creative) A Design of somesort.
I don't have a Perfect Town which means Orchards can't grow in my town yet.
pl0xman123 said:
#Garrett said:
Get a new town.
I've played for almost 2 months! I can't just delete everyhing! :O
Make a Giant Orchard in one of those open areas.
In another, maybe a flower garden?
In the last one (if you're really creative) A Design of somesort.
I don't have a Perfect Town yet which means Orchards can't grow yet.
have someone you trust hold ur money and items so u dont loose them then if you start a new town
pl0xman123 said:
#Garrett said:
Get a new town.
I've played for almost 2 months! I can't just delete everything! :O
Make a Giant Orchard in one of those open areas.
In another, maybe a flower garden?
In the last one (if you're really creative) A Design of somesort.
I don't have a Perfect Town yet which means Orchards can't grow yet.
Orchards can grow in your town regardless of whatever rating your town is in.

In Fact, Orchards are supposed to make your town better. i.e. = Fruit Orchards
Be sure to put a bridge in a very convenient spot for you. Maybe more towards the gate or Nooks whichever you prefer. Umm, also use those spots to plant orchards and hybrids. I'd actually would really like the spacing you have. My town is cluttered, there isn't much space for anything. =(
lol, i think you just gotta live with it ..
i've got kinda the same problem, i have 2 huge fields that isn't that great if you wanna go there. Owh and all of my neighbours are concentrated in one place near ables & town hall.
So just cut some trees, place some patterns, plant some flowers and make it more like one big house rather than a town to you ;)
Thanks a lot, guys! I'll start to plant more trees and flowers there! Maybe a Hybrid Factory too..
As I said on the first page: My last bridge has already been built. Can't have more bridges lol.
You know what? I'm changing this thread to a place where you can get tips and ideas from other people if there's something you're unpleased with your town!
You guys sure helped me out, so why don't we help other Animal Crossers out there? ^_^