Unpopular opinions game


Chancellor of Sedes
Feb 19, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Ok so I got this idea from this one thread from earlier where you post unpopular opinions.
The point of this game is you post the opinion, then the next person responds whether they agree or disagree (because I <3 controversy)

Public executions are a good way to keep the populations in line.
I disagree. The people would just revolt or start riots, or it would have no affect. It didn't back when they existed. It still wouldn't today, with all the wannabe badasses out there.

Mondays are not horrible.
Disagree, kinda. They're fun if you have the right crowd plus I live right in front of it so my evenings are very nice.

Letting most minors have access to social media is terrible.
I agree...I don't think minors should have unsupervised access to the internet, in general.

Any fear that someone has, just stems from the fear of the unknown, if you really think about it..
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I definitely disagree. Not all Muslims are terrorists, just the extremists tend to be.

I hate when people type "v" instead of very. Or "p" instead of pretty
Example: today was v boring. I was p tired.
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Disagree, we need to keep our noses out of things tbh
Everyone has potential to be attractive

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Oops ninjad, I disagree with that I think its p ok
I agree completely about everyone's potential to be attractive

Pink is a stronger, more vibrant color than blue and should represent boys like it used to.
Semi-agree, but I don't believe that people should change themselves just to attract certain people. I believe everybody is attractive to at least one person, in the world.

Cyber-bullying is no less significant, than real life bullying.

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I disagree. Colors shouldn't represent a person's gender.
I definitely agree. Cyber-bullying can be just as harmful as real life bullying.

Tomatoes are gross by themselves.
Semi-agree...tomatoes are gross, always.

Violence is not a good way to handle things.
may not be an unpopular opinion, but a lot of people react with violence, anyway.
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Semi-disagree. In Daily life it's a bad idea, but war can be important, such as WW2

Scottland is better than England, and Prussia was better than Austria ever is/was/could be
Indifferent. I know nothing about any of them. So, I can't really have an opinion.

America is not as free as it makes people think it is.
over 2 million people in prison, 4% of the world's total population but 22% of the world's prison population. lol

sarah silverman isn't even sort of funny
So, you don't really hate sandwiches in general....I disagree. I like sandwiches.

Cheese is not amazing. Cheese is borderline disgusting.