Unpopular opinions game

Semi-agree...I prefer walking or riding a bicycle, but I appreciate cars...though, I'd rather be a truck.
Unless, you're talking about the movie...then I agree.

Robots have already taken over the world, if you really think about it.
I disagree. While, there's way too much, I think it's advances in technology that are needed to improve society. Did you know that there is a type of printer that can print off prosthetic body parts? There's just important things that we wouldn't have without it.

What a person looks like isn't what makes them ugly.
I agree. I know some really pretty people with horrible attitudes and it just ruins it for them.

Majora's Mask is better than Ocarina of Time
I disagree. Oracle of Seasons was the best.

Uhm....An artist is an artist because they say they are.
Agreed. 5 year olds always used to win the art competitions at grade school because they were 'cute artists'.
I say unless you get a qualification in art, or sell art, your not an artist. Sorry folks.
Disney Sucks.
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Semi-agree. It was awesome, but it currently sucks.

1D fans are crazy, for the most part.
Agree. Only about 15% will listen if you talk about anything other than 1D.

I don't like Coachella's name. It's cool and all but the name doesn't make any sense.
I disagree. The people would just revolt or start riots, or it would have no affect. It didn't back when they existed. It still wouldn't today, with all the wannabe badasses out the wannabe badasses out there

You have channged my mind, good sir
EDIT: or madam, sorry


Aboslute Monarchy, when the leader actually is attentive to his/her subjects, is pretty good.
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