Smash Bros Unpopular Opinions - Smash Edition

I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like taunting. I’ve never actually done it and not a fan of people who do it. Similar to showboating on other games, I think it’s unnecessary. Still, if you want to do it, you do you.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like taunting. I’ve never actually done it and not a fan of people who do it. Similar to showboating on other games, I think it’s unnecessary. Still, if you want to do it, you do you.

Yeah, I never understood the point of taunting. It's just stupid. The person I train against in Smash doesn't do it, I don't do it, and neither do any of my other friends. If you get a kill just get ready before the opponent comes back to fight again and get it over with. Nobody cares about your taunting, even the people that are spectating. The only thing that matters is who wins. If you end up taunting and still lose the match you just look like an idiot. 😂
I don't like taunting and teabagging as well. I mean, some characters, including the ones I play, have cool taunt animations, but people mostly use them to disrespect you or, idk, show their dominance. However t-bagging in quickplay is even more annoying in my opinion. Within the year of playing qp I t-bagged someone out of disrespect just once, but I did it only because they t-bagged me first. Victory against people like this is the most satisfying victory. And it becomes more satisfying if these players disconnect right before result screen loads up. Even if I don't get any GSP for winning, they lose theirs and I get the moral boost hahahah

Okay, I don't know if this opinion is unpopular, but I don't like how smash community divides characters to "hype" and "lame" categories. I think any character can be lame and hype, and it mostly depends on the player piloting the character.
Okay, I don't know if this opinion is unpopular, but I don't like how smash community divides characters to "hype" and "lame" categories. I think any character can be lame and hype, and it mostly depends on the player piloting the character.

Absolutely true. In the last Smash tournament TBT had, I managed to advance twice, the furthest I've ever advanced in a TBT tournament here, before being crushed. That was thanks to @shawo and their deadly Pirahna Plant. Most people would overlook using a character like that and regard it as lame, but man were they good with it. Even when I tried to change up my approach I couldn't do anything against it.
I'm still devastated that Waluigi wasn't put in smash.

like I know it was a meme but I genuinely and unironically wanted to see him in there.
Absolutely true. In the last Smash tournament TBT had, I managed to advance twice, the furthest I've ever advanced in a TBT tournament here, before being crushed. That was thanks to @shawo and their deadly Pirahna Plant. Most people would overlook using a character like that and regard it as lame, but man were they good with it. Even when I tried to change up my approach I couldn't do anything against it.
Yeah, characters like Plant, WiiFit trainer, Duck Hunt (just to name a few) don't get too much recognition from players because they see them as boring and/or unappealing, and if you get the chance to fight against them, you'll probably get your butt beaten x) I can say that players, who main an unpopular character, are pretty dedicated. Heck, my main doesn't get too much love, I know what I'm talking about