I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like taunting. I’ve never actually done it and not a fan of people who do it. Similar to showboating on other games, I think it’s unnecessary. Still, if you want to do it, you do you.
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t like taunting. I’ve never actually done it and not a fan of people who do it. Similar to showboating on other games, I think it’s unnecessary. Still, if you want to do it, you do you.
Okay, I don't know if this opinion is unpopular, but I don't like how smash community divides characters to "hype" and "lame" categories. I think any character can be lame and hype, and it mostly depends on the player piloting the character.
Yeah, characters like Plant, WiiFit trainer, Duck Hunt (just to name a few) don't get too much recognition from players because they see them as boring and/or unappealing, and if you get the chance to fight against them, you'll probably get your butt beaten x) I can say that players, who main an unpopular character, are pretty dedicated. Heck, my main doesn't get too much love, I know what I'm talking aboutAbsolutely true. In the last Smash tournament TBT had, I managed to advance twice, the furthest I've ever advanced in a TBT tournament here, before being crushed. That was thanks to @shawo and their deadly Pirahna Plant. Most people would overlook using a character like that and regard it as lame, but man were they good with it. Even when I tried to change up my approach I couldn't do anything against it.