Unpopular Opinions

I don't really...care for the Turnip system.

Although my entire town and all its infrastructure is paid off and has been since literally the second week, I've never bought or sold a Turnip and don't plan on changing that in this game or future instalments to the franchise. Something about making my Bells that way just doesn't make me feel satisfied; I prefer catching bugs (and sometimes fish).

Which is not to say that I judge the (many, many) players who rely on the Stalk Market for making their Bells, but for me personally, it doesn't leave me with a feeling of satisfaction the way that slowly watching my bank account increase via hard-fought bug catches does.
Not sure how unpopular the first one is but

1. I wish we could replace the extra player plots with villager ones if we wanted to. I'm dying for more villagers on my Island and I don't have the desire to create alt characters plus I don't share the Switch with anyone ether.

The second one which I'm pretty sure is unpopular

2. The gorilla villagers rock and need more love.
My Unpopular Opinions

Outdoor cafes always look kind of sad to me because the villagers don’t interact with them very much. Same with outdoor libraries. Also, outdoor bookshelves give me the heebie jeebies. Rain = soggy books!

“Cottagecore” is a cringey name for a design style. Not as cringey as “fairycore” but still cringey. Also, the design style itself is kinda dull. Frugal hat + all white flowers + blown out screenshots of weeds and log spikes. If it makes you happy, go for it of course. It’s just a trend I don’t really vibe with, is all.

Villager tier discourse is agonizingly dull and high schoolish and I wish it would go away. No one actually thinks you are unique for liking less popular villagers. No one who likes popular villagers is actually being persecuted for being basic. Both parties should stop pouting about not feeling validated by strangers on the internet.

Before anyone labels me as “toxic,” consider the thread’s name and pause for a second before coming @ me.
The village tier is extremely high schoolish in my opinion but I mean hey, everybody makes tiers so im not surprised either :c
i just wish it would stop!
I’m honestly scared of Raymond’s fanbase.. to the point I’m afraid of having Raymond appear in my game. It would be like opening Pandora’s box. If I ignore him, I know I would feel like I missed out. If I invite him to my island and keep him for myself, I’ll get all kinds of comments about it. If I invite him to give him away, I’ll potentially get all sorts of rabid people fighting over him.

I know it doesn’t sound Iike a big deal, but I’m really sensitive and I’m actually terrified of toxic Raymond fans.
The hippos are cute af, have you ever even SEEN Bitty?
A pure angel. Idk why the hippos are one of the most hated species.
I think if they added a few more both in general but also some with more “cute” designs/color schemes they’d be more popular maybe, because their base design isn’t bad at all, it’s actually really Adorable in game~
EDIT: Also elephants, love them<3 but they seem to be less hated because of Tia
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I’m honestly scared of Raymond’s fanbase.. to the point I’m afraid of having Raymond appear in my game. It would be like opening Pandora’s box. If I ignore him, I know I would feel like I missed out. If I invite him to my island and keep him for myself, I’ll get all kinds of comments about it. If I invite him to give him away, I’ll potentially get all sorts of rabid people fighting over him.

I know it doesn’t sound Iike a big deal, but I’m really sensitive and I’m actually terrified of toxic Raymond fans.
Im sorry you have to feel that way!
Hopefully in the future, people can learn to just not say a word and let people do their thing!
I dont have Raymond, but when I do, I'm not going to make it public or make it a big deal.
Like, I got real life world problems lol I dont need some dumb internet drama to happen over a virtual cat LOL
i hate the turnips but then again i'm always unlucky. also kicks needs his shop back please...i miss seeing my boy everyday and the fact you CAN'T talk to them on harv's island drives me nuts like if we can have them show up let me get a line of dialog or two from them....or ya know let them walk around on their own and play with things like in HHD so i can get cute shots?!
edit: also i need a police station asap!! copper and booker need to come as a set plz.
i hate the turnips but then again i'm always unlucky. also kicks needs his shop back please...i miss seeing my boy everyday and the fact you CAN'T talk to them on harv's island drives me nuts like if we can have them show up let me get a line of dialog or two from them....or ya know let them walk around on their own and play with things like in HHD so i can get cute shots?!
edit: also i need a police station asap!! copper and booker need to come as a set plz.
about the turnips, im so over it at this point lol like buying turnips drives me INSANE but i managed to rack up 30mil bells because of it so i am not touching turnips again LOL
the raymond fandom is very smelly i will agree, i only got him for meme value, still waiting for the stans to come after me lmao
about the turnips, im so over it at this point lol like buying turnips drives me INSANE but i managed to rack up 30mil bells because of it so i am not touching turnips again LOL
:eek:you are lucky af. daisy mae always charges me like 101 per. then timmy and tommy never go above 60 per so i always lose. i just stoped when i lost 100,000 bells. i stick to catching butterfly and fish now. but yeah even in NL i always lost out.
:eek:you are lucky af. daisy mae always charges me like 101 per. then timmy and tommy never go above 60 per so i always lose. i just stoped when i lost 100,000 bells. i stick to catching butterfly and fish now. but yeah even in NL i always lost out.
thats why you have to visit other peoples islands to sell turnips!
i joined discords and people give access to their town for their high turnip prices.
of course the entry fee can be ridiculous but i promise you that you will always find reasonable ones!
the raymond fandom is very smelly i will agree, i only got him for meme value, still waiting for the stans to come after me lmao
i like raymond but i ain't gonna attack no one for not liking him (or buy him for god knows how much). those people need to step back and remember it's just a game and the animals/ai come and go.
New Horizons is a better game than New Leaf.

NH doesn't feel unfinished or incomplete.

I don't want these things back from New Leaf: Kapp'n (I like his family though), minigames, diving, Katrina, Tortimer. Maybe the Dream Suite.

The best villagers are all in the lowest tiers.
thats why you have to visit other peoples islands to sell turnips!
i joined discords and people give access to their town for their high turnip prices.
of course the entry fee can be ridiculous but i promise you that you will always find reasonable ones!
yeah....i don't do discord as i am not hip with it...i don't know what cooks. really though i do play with a group of friends but we all tend to have the same prices or it breaks even.