Unwanted first villager in campsite... is it too late?

"but this villager is literally imitating a literal phobia of mine." as soon as I read phobia I knew it was Pietro. I don't see the appeal he has to many but I won't judge if they love that little dude.

Its a shame its locked. I got Olaf and boy I was not happy about that but he moved out yesterday so thank god for that
Considering my town is 60% pigs, I'm betting my first camper will be....another pig

Is there even a smug pig villager? Pretty sure first forced camper is a smug villager...

... ah, there is a smug pig villager. Well, best of luck haha.
Ugh... The "smug"-personality has some real stinkers... Like Graham. Or Hippeux. Or ****ing BEARDO!
Oh god, I'm sooo worried...

I'm obsessed with Graham haha... anyone gets Graham please hmu I'll pay for him :lemon:
If I was going to turn my island into a prison Beardo would be the first to be locked up.
And I have a good idea of what he would be charged for.....

Indecent exposure?

I've had a look at the Smug villagers and I'm kinda nervous about seeing who is in my campsite. Their designs are very polarizing. Either they're adorable and I love them, or I hate everything about the design lmao
I am so confident I will get Beardo, Chops or Pietro.

I would faint if I managed to get Marshal, Jacques, Raymond or Julian.
That is actually so unfortunate. I'm sorry.
Unfortunately you HAVE to take the first villager. It sucks but it is what it is. I'd just work to start hitting them with a net ASAP
I got O'Hare and I was mildly happy about it first. But he is really growing on me and I'm considering keeping him.
I’m finding out mine tomorrow and I’m so anxious! I hope I get lucky and end up with my best boy Marshal.
Lol probably why they "force" this choice into your town xD

It’s actually quite funny that the three “forced” villagers are uchi, jock, and smug—the three personalities people on average dislike the highest amount of designs from xD

I love several smugs, but I still (or especially) wish I could’ve had a say in who my first one is!
It’s actually quite funny that the three “forced” villagers are uchi, jock, and smug—the three personalities people on average dislike the highest amount of designs from xD

I love several smugs, but I still (or especially) wish I could’ve had a say in who my first one is!

Of all these personalities, Smugs, I think is the most polarizing. Since they’re self proclaimed romantics, their dialogues are most often than not flirty towards the player’s character and that can either be super cute or REALLY creepy depending on who it’s coming from. Like, I would just uwu with the things Marshal will say but if Beardo or Klaus or Chops or QUILLSON say the same things to me...I’MMA CALL THE COPS.
Lol yeah, I'm sure there are plenty who love Pietro. I'll give him a warm welcome, nonetheless.
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