"The first image from CoroCoro has leaked out and showcases the first new Pok?mon forms revealed. This issue's cover showcases that the Pok?mon; Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus each have new forms. We'll bring more on this as and when it comes"
"The cover for the upcoming issue of CoroCoro has leaked several days early and reveals what appears to be new formes for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. The new Tornadus forme matches the mysterious bird silhouette from the Pokemon AR Searcher game preview last month - it seems Nintendo was actually trying to foreshadow new reveals when they first showcased the game! The person who posted the scan also stated that the magazine reveals Brock, Bianca, and Giovanni will be in Black 2 and White 2, but we'll have to wait for the rest of the magazine to leak to find out what that's about!"
Serebii said:The first image from CoroCoro has leaked out and showcases the first new Pok?mon forms revealed. This issue's cover showcases that the Pok?mon; Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus each have new forms. It is currently unknown if these forms feature any new types but they do match the silhouettes from Pok?mon AR Searcher shown last month. We'll bring more on this as and when it comes
Edit @ 07:58: The original leaker of the magazine states that the magazine showcases Cheren, Bianca, Brock and Giovanni. This information is yet to be confirmed but we'll provide evidence either way as soon as possible
Edit @ 08:52: More information is coming from the leaker of the magazine. As before, this is currently unconfirmed while we await scans. First, Pok?wood replaces the musicals and is the movie theatre seen in the trailer. Next, Cheren is said to be a gym leader and finally, the forms of Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus are exclusively captured in the 3DS game; Pok?mon AR Searcher, and then sent to the Black 2 and White 2 games from there
Edit @ 10:30: Pok?mon Smash's episode on May 20th is due to have new Black 2 & White 2 information. Presumably it's the same information coming from CoroCoro, but there should be footage within it
Edit @ 12:45: The leaker also mentioned that there's a facility where various other leaders from the past games appear including Lance, Volkner, Blue, Misty & Steven. Like before, this stuff has yet to be officially confirmed
The first images from inside CoroCoro have started to come. These images showcase further screenshots of Pok?mon Black 2 & White 2 and provide a lot of information. First, it confirms Alder will appear early on within the game and asks the player to follow him
Cheren is a Normal-type Gym Leader while Bianca gives you your starter Pok?mon as a favour for Juniper
Nobody seems to know where N has gone
New Professor is Professor Burnett who is in AR Searcher
Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus original forms are Incarnation Forme. Their new forms are Sacred Beast Forme. They are 198, 199 and 200 in the Unova Dex and have no type changes
Tornadus' Sacred Beast Forme focuses on Defense, Speed & Special Defense
Thundurus' Sacred Beast Forme has increased Special Attack
Landorus' Sacred Beast Forme has increased Attack
Mecha Tyranitar is part of Pok?Wood. Icirrus City Gym Leader Brycen appears, has a confrontation with Homika's father who wants to be a movie star, and is part of Pok?Wood. Pok?Wood allows you to select a scenario and then make the movie. Various battles appear
Pok?mon World Tournament allows you to battle many of the old Gym Leaders and Champions including those listed yesterday and Janine & Blaine. We're still in the process of translating so keep checking back
personally.... Meh, irdc. they look kinda stupid.
"Following on from Pok?mon Black & White getting a sequel, the anime series will make a shift into Best Wishes 2 on June 21st. This continues Ash's story through Unova but starts to feature more old Pok?mon and even Meloetta during the next Team Rocket plot which features Giovanni. It also features the return of Cynthia and Dawn."
W00T DAWN <3
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