I'll have to poke through your list to see if there's anything else, but would you except Tangy for Ruby?
Skye for Bob?
Edit: I also have Fang for Marshal if you're interested, but if not, thanks anyway!
065 midge, 153 alfonso, 235 crackle for 184 anicotti, 239 ricky, 348 olaf? not sure which bold you'd trade for marshal but out of the wants I have francine and erik
Both of those sound great! I'll pm you soon
- - - Post Merge - - -
Those first three are perfect! And I hope it's alright if I take the trade above you for Marshal. If this is okay let me know and I'll pm you
Hi can we trade again I have
Hans 241
Tank 374
Soleil 296
Del 223
Miranda 222
I need
Rodney 146
Timmy 212
Franklin 216
Would you trade your Leif for my Gala and Doc?
Hi! Could I trade: 005 (Kapp'n), 109 (Porter), and 323 (Katt)
For: 158 (Timbra), 161 (Teddy), 174 (Bettina) 248 (Hazel), and 260 (Tammi)?
Let me know if this is okay please!
Hi, would you like to trade my Apollo for your Broccolo?
Hi! I have 084 Benjamin and 382 Lobo for trade! I'm mostly interested in Coco, so I was wondering if you'd do two normal cards for one bolded? If not, that's fine, and I'll trade them for 141 Nana & 218 Lily. Let me know!
I'd really like to trade bold cards with bold cards if that's okay.
Otherwise this trade is fine Let me know if you're good with that and I'll send you a pm!
That's fine! I figured that would be the case, but I just wanted to check.