Upgrades Ruin Items


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2009
If your house is going through an upgrade or Tom Nook's store is, then keep your items away from those locations. About 2 months ago when my Nook's Cranny upgraded (or was it Nook 'N' Go?), flowers that I planted around the store went away after the upgrade. When my house upgraded to a wide one about 2 days ago, a refrigerator I left next to it before it was upgraded was gone when it was upgraded. So then, don't keep iitems near your store or house when they are going through upgrades, or else they will be gone.
This Applies to Houses too. If yuo expand your house, move your stuff outta the way, to make sure your stuff doesn't go "kaput"
Firemonkey1 said:
I always keep everything out of my house during upgrades. :)
Do You mean...you keep everything off the Outside of your house?

*srry just was correcting you xP
I guess I better move some of my hybrids then, thanks for informing us about this.
Yea...that happened 2 me but I found out it automaticly goes to the LOST AND FOUND! so check the lost and found...if u want it back!
Well that is very useful. But, I would still keep my items away from any building that can go through upgrades. Yes, I do keep everything (except for my flooring and wallpaper) out of my house during upgrades. I'm glad that I now know one way to still keep my items if they disappear during upgrades. Do they appear in your recycling bin also?
Nookingtons completely demolished my money tree... i bet that greedy animal shook down the money before he demolished the tree... I was so mad!
RiiRii said:
Yea...that happened 2 me but I found out it automaticly goes to the LOST AND FOUND! so check the lost and found...if u want it back!
Yeah, items that are lost like that go to the lost and found.
it wouldn't affect anything inside the house I'm positive. but yes flowers and items outside can get smooshed.