(!URGENT!) Favourite villager had a move out ping and I missed it.


DID Sys Introject
Jun 3, 2024
So I went and finished Monique's quest when Deli pung mid-conversation. It was a move out ping and time travelin to the next day and talking to Beardo let me know of that. HOW DO I GET THE PING BACK? I want to keep Deli. I don't want to lose him.
It has been a while since I've played New Leaf regularly, but I believe that if you talk to Deli a bunch (maybe not over and over again all at once since the game will run out of dialogue and he'll need to reset) he will eventually bring up that his moving day is coming up. You should then be able to tell him not to move. I would advise saving before talking to him, because sometimes the game can just be like "Nah, still moving!", and reset if necessary. You should eventually be able to convince him to stay.
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Save and quit, but don’t time travel to yesterday or the day after.
Once that’s done, Deli should ping you about moving out, but if he doesn’t repeat the process until he does.

I should mention that if you don’t get any ping at all, it’s either you told him to stay or accidentally let him move. Just keep talking to him until he mentions his move out, and talk him out of it. If you did get no mention of him moving out, then you told him to stay the first time he wanted to leave.
If a villager mentions another is thinking of moving out that just means the game has set them to move out in the next two weeks / ask you. If you play regularly the next time you see them wandering outside they will ping you about moving out and their scheduled date. Just choose an option such as “don’t go!” and they will stay in your town!
If you talk to a villager that wants to move out, sometimes they’ll talk about their plans, and then the game will let you convince them not to move. You just have to tell them not to leave when that happens.
They may ask you again. I've had villagers I've said yes to moving and then later on they ping again saying they're not sure and they'll ask if they should move again.