Global [US to anywhere] [FT] Series 1-4 (NA & EU) [LF] WA12 Wade & WA25 Plucky (last two cards!!!)

Bump! I recently received an extra 234 Marina, 264 Marshal, and WA28 Raddle in a trade. Looking to trade those for Welcome amiibo/RV cards.
Bump! I only need one card to complete my collection - WA12 Wade. I'm willing to give ~20 or so series 1-4 cards for it :)
My trade for WA25 Plucky fell through because the card was in bad condition, so 264 Marshal is available again! I would like to trade it for WA12 Wade or WA25 Plucky.
Marshal has been sold on another forum. Still looking for WA12 Wade and WA25 Plucky, but I might buy one of them using the money that I got for Marshal.