uuuhh. what is that robot looking thing on home screen?

It's for the release of Chibi Robo : Zip lash for the 3ds
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash on the 3Ds is out I believe, it's why they have him on the banner.

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I was actually just wondering the same thing, I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't know though..
Anyone who doesn't know the adventures of cute little Chibi-Robo is not a friend of mine.
If I hadn't played Super Smash Bros. or found out about the game by watching that Direct that was on earlier this year, I would have been like 'Why is there some robot thing on here? The only robot in Animal Crossing is Ribbot.'
Ah, I'm one of those rare people who played the original Chibi robo gamecube.
It's another example of America getting a game before Europe. :p
We have to wait until November :(
Just looked at the banner again and caught sight of this:

Is that a pumpkin? Does this have something to do with Chibi-Robo,
Or are the mods starting to welcome in Halloween in time for whatever will probably be happening with the woods the year?
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Guys I know the pumpkin can be a little hard to see, but not during winter!

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